2370 ARTICLE 10.
1922, ch. 423 sec. 5.
551. When this Act shall have become effective "The Commissioners
of Vienna" shall proceed to have surveys, plans and specifications, pre-
pared for complete water systems. When said plans and specifications
have been completed, "The Commissioners of Vienna" shall advertise,
by notice in such newspapers and technical press as they may deem proper,
for bids for the construction of said systems in parts or as a whole, as in
their judgment may appear advisable. The contract or contracts shall be
let to the lowest responsible bidder, or "The Commissioners of Vienna"
may reject any or all bids and, if in their discretion the prices quoted
are unreasonable, they shall readvertise the work, or may do any part
or all of the work by day labor; provided that at any time "The Commis-
sioners of Vienna," in their discretion, expend for day labor on construc-
tion work an amount not exceeding $1,000 without advertising or receiv-
ing bids. All contracts may be protected by such bonds, penalties and
conditions as "The Commissioners of Vienna" shall require, all of which
shall be enforceable in any court having jurisdiction.
1922, ch. 423, sec. 6.
552. "The Commissioners of Vienna" shall assess benefits for such
part of the cost of construction of said water supply as they may deem
proper, and for this purpose shall divide all properties binding upon a
street, lane, alley or right-of-way, in which a water pipe is to be laid,
into four classes, namely: sub-division, industrial or business, small acre-
age, and agricultural. Immediately upon the commencement of the water
supply project, "The Commissioners of Vienna" are empowered and
directed to fix and levy an assessment upon all property abutting upon
said water main in accordance with thei classification, and shall in writing
notify all owners of said properties into which class their respective prop-
erties fall and the assessment determined upon, naming also in said notice
a time and place when and at which said owners will be heard. Such
notice may be mailed to the last known address of the owner, or served in
person upon any adult occupying the premises, or in case of vacant or
unimproved property, posted upon the premises. The classification of
and assessment against any property as made by "The Commissioners of
Vienna" shall be final, subject only to revision at said hearing. "The
Commissioners of Vienna" may change the classification of properties
from time to time, as said properties change in the uses to which they
are put. Said assessments shall be levied for both water supply and con-
struction and shall be based for each class of property upon the number
of front feet abutting upon the street, lane, alley or right-of-way in which
the water pipe is placed; provided, however, that no lot in a sub-division
property shall be assessed on more than one side, that corner lots in this
class shall be assessed on that frontage towards which the building shall
naturally face, and that all lots in this class shall be assessed for their full
frontage even though a water main may not extend along the full length
of any boundary; that in case of irregular shaped lots and shallow lots