of the Town Treasurer. And the said Mayor and Commissioners at any
time may appoint three persons, citizens of said town, to assess and value
all property located within said corporate limits and shall pass all ordi-
nances necessary to prescribe the duties and powers of said assessors, and
the said Mayor and Commissioners shall have power to pass such ordi-
nances as they may deem proper for the assessment, re-assessment, transfer
and appeals from assessments or the said Mayor and Commissioners may'
accept for said assessment purposes the value placed upon the property
within said town for State and county taxation.
Westernport v. Green, 144 Md. 86.
1920, ch. 714, sec. 10.
649. The said Mayor and Commissioners shall define the duties of the
Clerk and allow him such compensation for his services as they may think
proper; and all ordinances passed by them shall be entered by the Clerk
in a book to be kept for that purpose and shall be open at all times for
the inspection of any person interested and he shall see that copies of
all ordinances shall be put up in five of the most public places of said
1920, ch. 714, sec. 11.
650. They shall have full power and authority annually in the month
of April, at their first meeting, to appoint a treasurer for said town; and
they shall have power also to appoint any policemen and other officers
as they may deem necessary, and the said policemen and the bailiff shall
serve warrants and make arrests for violations of the ordinances of said
town; and it shall be their duties to preserve the peace and good order of
said town; and for these purposes the said bailiff and policemen are hereby
vested with the same powers and authorities as constables of said county
now have under the laws of the State and the said bailiff shall perform
any and all other duties which the Mayor and Commissioners shall by
ordinance designate. The said policemen and other officers shall receive
such reasonable compensation as said Commissioners shall deem proper;
and the said officers appointed under this section shall, before entering
upon the duties of their office, make oath before the said Mayor of West-
ernport that they will faithfully and impartially perform the duties re-
quired of them, respectively, according to the best of their skill and judg-
ment, without favor, affection, or prejudice.
1920, ch. 714, sec. 12. 1922, ch. 85, sec. 12.
651. The said Mayor and Commissioners may pass such ordinances,
not contrary to law, as they may deem beneficial and necessary for the
good government of the town; they shall have power to remove nuisances
or obstructions from the streets, lanes and alleys, drains or water courses
within the said town or from or upon any lot or lots adjacent thereto, and
to provide for imposing a fine upon any person or persons causing or
treating any such nuisances or obstructions and to enforce such rules,