2284 ARTICLE 10.
town to hold an election as in the case of the first election, and such special
election may be held at any time after the corporation ceases to hear any
Commissioners, and the Commissioners so elected shall hold office until
the time for a regular election arrives, If the nearest justice of the peace
refuses or omits to attend the first election any justice of the peace may
order the same on the call of five residents of said town.
1892, ch. 240, sec. 328.
308. All male inhabitants of said town over the age of twenty-one years
who have resided within said corporate limits six months before the hold-
ing of any such election, and all male citizens of Dorchester County of
twenty-one years of age who owns lands within said limits shall be enti-
tled to vote at such election, and every resident voter of such corporation
shall be eligible to hold the office of Commissioner.
1892, ch. 240, sec. 329.
309. The said Commissioners at their first meeting after such election
shall choose one of their number chairman, who shall preside at their
meetings and shall give such directions as may be deemed necessary to
carry into effect the provisions of this subtitle. The Commissioners may
meet as often as occasion may require, and the chairman shall give notice
to the other Commissioners when a special meeting is to be held, they
shall meet at least once in three months. They shall appoint one of their
own number or some other competent person as secretary or clerk, who
shall keep a record of their proceedings in a well-bound book provided
for the purpose, they shall have authority to assign to the clerk his duties
and to allow him such compensation as they may think proper.
310. Vacant.
1892, oh. 240, sec. 330. 1908, ch. 30 (p. 763) 1912, ch. 812, sec. 330. 1920, oh. 468.
311. The Commissioners of Hurlock shall have full power to make and
pass all such by-laws, regulations and ordinances not inconsistent with the
Constitution and laws of this State, as from time to time they may deem
wise, equitable and expedient for the good order, comfort, health and con-
venience of the said town and its inhabitants; for the prevention and re-
moval of nuisances; for the preservation of health, for the protection of the
lives and limbs of the inhabitants of the said town and of persons tempo-
rarily therein and for the suppression of vice and immorality within the
said limits; and they shall have full power to grant permits and franchises
for the use of the streets, lanes, alleys, and other thoroughfares of Hurlock
by telephone, telegraph, electric light and other wires and poles in, over and
upon, or pipes under the same, for the purpose of installing a system of
gas or electric or other lights, or power, or of water-works or other public
enterprise involving the use of the said streets, alleys, lanes or other thor-