of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, 1892, and thence run-
ning (1) north 20 degrees 49 minuutes west 4,360 feet, (2) south 69
degrees 11 minutes west 3,200 feet, (3) south 20 degrees 49 minutes
east 6,630 feet, (4) north 86 degrees east 3,345 feet, (5) north 20 degrees
49 minutes west 2,970 feet, to the beginning, containing five hundred
twenty-two and seven-tenths acres, more or less. Provided, however, that
no farm lands contained within the corporate limits of the town of Hur-
lock shall be taxed for town purposes until the same is laid out into
building lots.
1892, ch. 240, sec. 327.
307. There shall be three Commissioners of said town who shall hold
office for two years from the date of their election, or until their succes-
sors shall duly qualify. The first election for Commissioners shall be
held on the first Saturday in May, A. D., 1892, and on such first Satur-
day in May in every second year thereafter; at the said first election the
justice of the peace residing within the corporate limits, or if there be no
resident justice then the justice of the peace of Dorchester County who
resides nearest said town shall hold said election as judge thereof, and
he shall give ten days' previous notice of the time and place for holding
such election, by written or printed notices posted in three conspicuous
places, within such corporate limits; the said justice shall count the votes
cast at said election, and shall notify the persons elected of their election,
and shall within three days after said election administer to such Com-
missioners so elected the oath of office, usually required of persons hold-
ing office in this State; and he shall thereupon make out a certificate as
to said election and qualification, and shall forward the same to the clerk
of the Circuit Court for Dorchester County, who shall retain the same in
his office for two years from the date of said election. At all subsequent
elections, one of the Commissioners may act as judge under appointment
made by the Commissioners, or a majority of them, or they may appoint
some other resident of such town as judge, and such judge shall make
out a certificate of such election and make oath to the fairness of the
same before some justice of the peace of said county, who shall admin-
ister the oath of office to the Commissioners as at the first election, and
such certificate of election and certificate of qualifications of the Commis-
sioners, shall be forwarded to the said clerk to be retained for two years
in his office as aforesaid, provided, that if the newly elected Commission-
ers fail to qualify within three days after the election, they may qualify
as soon thereafter as may be convenient. Ten days' notice of all elections
after the first one shall be given by the Commissioners by printed or
written notice in three conspicuous places within said corporate limits.
In case any vacancy occurs in the office of Commissioners, the other Com-
missioners may fill the vacancy, and the person so appointed shall hold
till the next regular election. If at any time it shall occur that there
are no Commissioners in office, any five qualified voters residing in said
town may in writing call upon some justice of the peace in or near said