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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2190   View pdf image (33K)
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2190 ARTICLE 10.

son feel himself aggrieved at the average given to him by the said board,
he may, within three days after the report of said board, on said examina-
tion, file with the secretary of said board an appeal to the Commissioners
of Cambridge, which appeal shall be heard by the Commissioners of Cam-
bridge at their next regular meeting, and the average fixed by the said
Commissioners of Cambridge shall be final and substituted for the aver-
age given to said applicant by said Board of Police Commissioners. If
the Board of Police Commissioners shall appoint any person as a police
officer who is above or below the age mentioned in this section, or who is
not on the eligible list at the time of his appointment, the salary of such
police officer so appointed, shall "be paid, for the term that he may serve,
by the members of the Board of Police Commissioners who voted for such
appointment, and the minutes of the said Board of Police Commissioners
must show who voted for and who voted against the appointment of any
police officer, but if said minutes do not show such vote, then all of the
said Police Commissioners, together with the secretary shall be respon-
sible for the salary of such police officer, so illegally appointed, and such
salary shall be collected by the Commissioners of Cambridge from said
Police Commissioners by legal process, if the said Police Commissioners
fail or refuse to pay within ten days after demand is made by the Com-
missioners of Cambridge.

1912, ch. 694, sec. 60D.

71. The said Board of Police Commissioners are authorized and re-
quired, within ten days after the examination hereinbefore provided for,
to appoint, enroll and employ a permanent police force for the City of
Cambridge, the term of service of any member of said police force so
appointed shall begin on the day of his appointment and shall continue
during good behavior until said members shall have reached the age of
sixty years unless removed sooner for cause by the Board of Police Com-
missioners. The Police Commissioners shall arm and equip such police
force as they may judge necessary, under such rules and regulations as
they may from time to time prescribe; and the said board shall have
power to remove the chief of police or any police officer for the violation
of any rule and regulation which they may make and promulgate to said
police force, said police force shall consist of one chief of police and not
more than four regular policemen; the pay of the chief of police shall
not be more than seventy dollars per month, and of the policemen not
more than fifty dollars per month, payable monthly by the town treasurer
from the general levy made for the purpose of maintaining a police depart-
ment, on the warrant of the president of the Board of Police Commis-
sioners. The said police board may appoint any person as a policeman,
with all the powers of a regular policeman, to act as watchman and pre-
serve the peace at any church, place of amusement, railroad or steamboat
station, or at any private business place, provided the person or persons
asking for such appointments shall pay the whole of the salary or wages
of such policeman, and may also appoint such special policemen to serve


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2190   View pdf image (33K)
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