Article, under such rules and regulations as the Board of Police Commis-
sioners may adopt; and the said board shall have power to summon wit-
nesses before it and to administer oath or affirmations to such witnesses
whenever, in the judgment of the said board, it may be necessary for the
effectual discharge of their duties under the sub-division of this Article;
and any person failing to appear in answer to said summons, or refusing
to testify, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five nor
more than fifty dollars, to be recovered by civil action in the name of the
State, to use of said board, or by indictment in the Circuit Court for Dor-
chester County; false swearing on the part of any witness shall be deemed
perjury, and shall be punished as such.
1912, ch. 684, sec. 60B.
69. As soon as the member of this board shall have been appointed by
the Commissioners of Cambridge, the said Board of Police Commission-
ers shall meet and organize and shall formulate such rules as they con-
sider necessary for the conduct of the police department, which rules shall
immediately be published and shall go into effect not later than August
15, 1912.
1912, ch. 694, sec. 60C.
70. On the fifteenth day of August, 1912, and as often thereafter as
there may be a vacancy to be filled in the police force, hereinafter pro-
vided for, the said board shall hold an examination at the City Hall of
applicants for policeman. Notice of any and all examinations for police-
men shall be given in at least two newspapers published in the City of
Cambridge, at least ten days before such examination; said notice shall
state the time of said examination and the requirements for policemen.
Every applicant for policeman must be of good moral character, not ad-
dicted to the use of alcoholic liquors, or drinks in any form, must be at
least five feet eight inches in height, must weigh not less than one hundred
and fifty pounds and not more than two hundred and seventy-five pounds,
must be between the ages of twenty-one and forty-six years, and must be
able to read and write a legible hand, and show a good knowledge of the
rules of the said Board of Police Commissioners and of the ordinances of
Cambridge. All examinations for policemen must be in writing and the
examination papers shall be preserved by said board, subject to inspection
by any voter of the City of Cambridge who may demand an inspection of
the same, for at least six years. The said board shall examine the papers
submitted by each applicant and grade them, taking into account in such
grading the mental and physical qualifications of each applicant, and also
his fitness for a police officer. All applicants who have obtained an aver-
age of sixty per cent, shall be put on the eligible list and all appointments
of police officers must be made from said eligible list. If there are not a
sufficient number of eligible persons examined and passed at the first ex-
amination, other and as many examinations may be held until a sufficient
number of eligible applicants are passed to fill said vacancy. If any per-