2154 ARTICLE 10.
the western limits of the town of Federalsburg, shall be changed and
established as follows:
Beginning in the center of the State highway at the west end of the
Linchester Bridge and running with the center of the improved State
highway to a point in the center of the intersection of said improved
State highway and the concrete and macadam State highway leading to-
wards Federalsburg (said intersection being about half way between
Linchester and Elwood), thence with the center of said concrete and
macadam State highway in an easterly direction towards the town of
Federalsburg to a point in the center of the aforesaid State road opposite
the end post in the line fence between the farms of Rufus Noble and Her-
man Noble, said post being about 8 feet west of a persimmon tree on
the south bank of the ditch at this point, and said fence coinciding with
the present line between Caroline and Dorchester Counties at this point,
which can be further described as being about one mile west of the west-
ern town limits of Federalsburg, and thence following the present line.
1929, ch. 26, sec. 2.
15. All laws or parts of laws, and all agreements or surveys, incon-
sistent with the provisions of this Act, are hereby repealed to the extent
of such inconsistency.
1894, ch. 4 T, sec. 1.
16. The County Commissioners of Caroline and Dorchester Counties
are hereby authorized and empowered to build a substantial bridge over
said river* from some suitable point on the Caroline County shore, near
the town of Choptank, to a convenient and practicable point on the Dor-
chester County shore, the position to be determined by the County Com-
missioners of the two counties; and the said County Commissioners of
Caroline and Dorchester Counties are hereby authorized and empowered
to acquire, by inquisition, purchase or otherwise, all the lands and ma-
terials necessary for the construction of the said bridge and its abutments;
and said bridge, when built, shall be maintained and kept in proper re-
pair by the said counties as a free bridge for the convenience of public
1894, ch. 47, sec. 2.
17. The said bridge and abutments shall be built in the most secure
and substantial manner, and shall not be less than eighteen feet wide, with
railing on each side thereof, not less than four feet high, and there shall
be a draw in said bridge of at least twenty-four feet in width, so as to
afford a convenient passage to boats up and down said river.
Winchester River, formerly Hunting Creek. See 1890, ch. 29.