2088 ARTICLE 9.
expenses accrued and to accrue thereon on the day of sale, to which gen-
eral list of items shall be appended a notice that if such taxes are not
paid on or before a day to be named therein, not less than twenty-five nor
more than thirty days from the date of the first advertisement, together
with the accrued interest thereon and proportionate cost of advertising
fees, the treasurer shall proceed at 10 o'clock A. M. on a day named, at
the courthouse door in said county, to offer each and every parcel of land,
premises and other property for sale to the highest bidder for cash. The
said notice shall be published in not less than four weekly insertions in
each of the newspapers hereinbefore referred to, and on the said day, at
the time named, the treasurer shall proceed to sell any and all such par-
cels of land, premises and personal property on which taxes, interest,
costs and fees shall not have been paid, and to continue said sale each day
(legal holidays excepted), from 10 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M.,
until every such parcel of land, premises and personal property or more
than a sufficient quantity to pay all taxes, costs and expenses for each case
shall have been offered for sale. In case for any piece of property there
shall not be a sufficient bid to cover the taxes, interests, costs and expenses,
the same shall be bid in by the County Commissioners, the same to be
reported, as in other cases, as land sold for taxes, and at the expiration
of the time limited for redemption, shall pass to the county, to become
absolutely the property of the county, subject to be sold thereafter by the
County Commissioners at public sale in substantially like manner as
property is sold under the Public General Laws of this State by mortgage
or attorney for mortgagee, under power of sale inserted therein. The
compensation of the treasurer in the proceedings hereinbefore set forth
for the taxation of property, not including court expenses in ratification
proceedings, shall be such as shall be prescribed by the County Commis-
sioners of Charles County, who shall adopt a uniform system of charges
as far as practicable, applicable to all work of a similar character. The
County Treasurer shall not be allowed any expenditures for attorney's
fees, but it shall be the duty of the attorney to the County Commissioners
to advise him and act as attorney for him in all of his official work requir-
ing the advice or services of an attorney for him as treasurer, and no com-
pensation shall be charged, allowed or paid to any paper other than is
designated by the County Commissioners as hereinbefore set forth; pro-
vided, however, that all advertising to be done under this Act shall be
inserted in two newspapers printed in Charles County, bona fide repre-
senting the two political parties which at last election preceding the inser-
tion thereof polled respectively the largest number of votes cast in said
county, and provided further, that in case of controversy as to what news-
paper in good faith represents either of the leading political parties that
paper shall be named which may be designated by the central committee
representing the party in which such controversy may arise. The said
treasurer shall immediately after the making of the levy, in each year
after the passage of this Act, publish for two successive weeks in said
two newspapers a short notice informing the public generally, that if