2086 ARTICLI: 9.
1904, ch. 199, sec. 5. 1910. ch. 354 (p. 742.). sec. 5. 1929, ch. 329.
89. The said treasurer may appoint some person resident in said county
to be assistant treasurer, who shall be authorized to act in his place and
for whose acts he shall be responsible, and who shall give such bond, con-
ditioned for the faithful performance of the duties imposed upon him, as
the treasurer may require; the said assistant treasurer to be paid eight
hundred dollars ($800.00) by the county and such other compensation, if
any, as the treasurer may contract to pay out of his own salary or com-
missions, and the said sum of eight hundred dollars ($800.00) shall be
levied for the use of the said assistant treasurer at the same time as here-
inafter provided for the levy of the salary of the treasurer.
1904, ch. 199, sec. 6. 1910, ch. 354 (p. 742.), sec. 6.
90. The said treasurer shall receive an annual salary of twelve hundred
dollars, to be levied by the County Commissioners at their annual levy
each year, beginning with the first levy after the term of office of said
treasurer shall begin; and he shall also be allowed the commissions al-
lowed by Article 81 of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, en-
titled "Revenue and Taxes," for the collection of State taxes, as well as
such fees for making new assessments as are now allowed to collectors for
making the same.
1904, ch. 199, sec. 7. 1910, ch. 199, sec. 7.
91. All persons or incorporated institutions who shall pay their taxes,
State or county, on or before the first day of September of th'e year for
which they were levied, shall be entitled to a deduction of three per cen-
tum on the amount of said taxes; for all taxes that are due, after the first
day of September succeeding the date of their levy there shall be interest
charged at the rate of 6 per centum per annum, but payment of said taxes
shall not be enforced by sale until after the first day of January succeed-
ing the date of the levy of the same.
1904, ch. 199, sec. S. 1908, ch. 509 (p. 730). 1910, ch. 354 (p. 743), sec. 8.
92. The said treasurer shall keep and pay over, according to law, or
upon the order of the County Commissioners, the proceeds of all county
taxes levied in said county, collected by him, and shall also keep and pay
over to the Treasurer of the State, according to law, all State taxes in
said county collected by him, and he shall keep a full, particular and cor-
rect account of all moneys received by him and paid out by him and of
all matters relating to the duties of his office, together with all vouchers
relating thereto; and he shall present, quarterly, to the County Com-
missioners, a true and faithful account of all moneys received and dis-
bursed by him, and all cash on hand during the preceding quarter; the
said reports to begin not later than the expiration of the first quarter
after the term of office of said treasurer shall begin. The said treasurer
shall deposit all moneys collected by him in some safe bank or trust com-
pany that will pay interest on said deposits and in the name of himself,