2078 ARTICLE 9.
the purpose, with the further provision that any property levied upon in
pursuance of this Act shall not be subject to any exemption from execu-
tion, and in case of a second offense and failure to pay such fine in addi-
tion to the above remedy the party committing the same by permitting
the animals to run at large as aforesaid, may be committed to the jail;
but in no case shall imprisonment be for more than five days in the county
jail of Charles County; and provided further that instead of process in
the nature of arrest, the justice of the peace shall issue the ordinary process
of summons as in civil cases, to be followed by process of arrest, however,
in case the party shall fail to appear after summons served upon him.
No hogs shall be kept, penned or unpenned for any purpose or be slaugh-
tered within limits of the said town of Cobb Island; provided, however,
that any person or persons may allow hogs to run at large within their
own enclosure which covers an area of not less than one-half acre, and
provided, however, that the Town Commissioners may prohibit such run-
ning at large if same become a nuisance. Any person violating this pro-
vision shall be fined one dollar and costs recoverable as hereinbefore pro-
vided; if any animal or animals of any kind heretofore named of which
the owner shall be unknown or cannot be found, shall be found running at
large in said town, the bailiff shall forthwith seize and impound the same,
and shall give notice thereof, by notice posted in at least two public places
in said town, and if the owner shall not within three days thereafter ap-
pear and pay said bailiff the amount of the fine hereinbefore named and
twenty-five cents extra for each day in which the said animal shall be
taken and impounded, the said bailiff shall sell same at public sale, and
after deducting one-half the amount due on same, including fine, which
he shall retain, shall account for the balance to said Commissioners; the
said bailiff is hereby given the power, and it shall be in his discretion to
take the same proceeding with reference to any animal or animals of any
kind hereinbefore named of which the owner may be known, and it shall
be his duty to so impound the said animal or animals if the owner be
known, or to institute proceedings before a justice of the peace as herein-
before provided for violation of the provision of this section as herein-
after set forth herein. It shall be the duty of the bailiff as far as practi-
cable to enforce this and other provisions of this Act as well as the ordi-
nances enacted by the said Town Commissioners, as provided in this Act,
and any wilful neglect upon his part to enforce either of them upon com-
ing to his notice shall be malfeasance in office.
1929, ch. 214, sec. 31.
70. Whenever the said Commissioners shall decide that it is expedient
that any road, street, lane or alley as aforesaid within said corporate
limits, shall be opened, widened and straightened, changed or closed, or
make subways as provided in Section 52, unless they shall be able to
make satisfactory contracts necessary for the same, or until the neces-
sary land or easements in or over the same shall be donated for the pur-
poses, they shall appoint three disinterested persons, residents of the town,