1929, ch. 214, sec. 27.
66. The Town Commissioners of Cobb Island shall have the same
powers as are now exercised or that may be exercised at any time by the
State Board of Health of Maryland, restricted, however, to the limits of
said Town of Cobb Island.
1929, ch. 214, sec. 28.
67. The Commissioners of said town may purchase and hold any prop-
erty, real, personal or mixed that may be necessary for municipal pur-
poses and dispose of the same for the benefit of the said town.
1929, ch. 214, sec. 29.
68. The said Commissioners shall have power to establish building lines
in all the streets and highways in said town, or which shall hereafter be
opened therefor, and to compel all persons erecting buildings in said town
to conform thereto, under such penalties as they may prescribe by ordi-
nance, but no buildings shall hereafter be erected for the purpose of a
stable or privy or a place of confinement of any live stock within one
hundred feet of any existing public street or highway in said town. Any
person or persons violating this last section shall on conviction pay a fine
of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense
and the cost of prosecution, and upon failure to pay said fine and costs,
shall be committed to jail until the same shall be paid, or for the period
of forty days whichever shall first occur.
1929, ch. 214, sec. 30.
69. No person shall permit his horses, mules, hogs or cattle of any kind
to run at large outside of his own enclosure within the limits of the said
town; any person violating the aforegoing provisions of this section by
permitting any one of any species of any said animals of either gender
of any age, to run at large outside of his enclosure within the limits afore-
said, belonging to him or within his custody or control, for himself or as
trustee for others, or as parents or guardians of any infant shall be subject
to a fine of one dollar and costs for each individual of any species of the
animals so named so permitted to run at large, for the first offense, and for
the second offense to a fine of not less than one dollar or more than ten dol-
lars and costs, to be recovered before a justice of the peace, with such proc-
ess and formal proceedings, and for such appeal and prayer for jury trial
and other rights as now prevail in this county in cases of misdemeanor not
punishable in the penitentiary; provided, however, that in case the said fine
shall not be paid after the same shall be imposed by the justice of the peace
or the Circuit Court upon appeal, the same may be collected by the sheriff
or constable or bailiff of said town by process similar to that by which
judgments rendered by justices of the peace are collected, or if the sen-
tence imposed shall be reaffirmed upon appeal to the Circuit Conrt are
collected by the sheriff, and the sentence of the justice of the peace or
the Circuit Court shall be considered as in the nature of a judgment for