2072 ARTICLE 9.
Election; the papers containing the names of the voters and tally as afore-
said, shall constitute a part of the returns of the judges of any election.
The three candidates or persons voted for at any election, receiving the
highest number of legal votes cast shall be declared Town Commissioners
of Cobb Island elected at that election. Should there be a tie vote between
any candidates at any election held under the provisions of this Act, the
judges of said election shall determine and declare, if it should be neces-
sary, which of such candidates shall be returned elected Town Commis-
sioner or Town Commissioners and they shall make their returns accord-
ingly. Any candidate or candidates for Town Commissioners of Cobb
Island or any other voter of said town feeling himself or themselves ag-
grieved at the result of said election as declared, charging fraud or irreg-
ularity on the part of the election officials, in the allowing of persons to
vote not entitled to vote, or in refusing the right to vote to persons en-
titled to vote, or in the manner of conducting said election, or in the count-
ing of said ballots, or in the making of the returns of said election, or in
doing any other act to defeat the will of the qualified voters, may appeal
from the decisions of the Judges of Election within thirty days from the
day of the holding of any such election to the Judges of the Circuit Court
for Charles County; and said Judges of the Circuit Court for said Charles
County are given jurisdiction to hear and determine all such contests.
The manner of appeal shall be by petition accompanied by an affidavit of
the petitioner or petitioners setting forth the grounds of appeal; and the
said Circuit Court for Charles County shall proceed forthwith in a sum-
mary way and with or without answer, or pleading technically, to take
testimony orally, or otherwise, to hear and determine the matter of said
contest, and declare who was or were the duly elected Town Commissioner
or Town Commisisoners of Cobb Island, and certify its judgment to the
Town Commissioners of the said town of Cobb Island.
The judgment of the Circuit Court for Charles County, when so certi-
fied to the Town Commissioners of said town, shall be spread upon the
minutes of the proceedings of the said Town Commissioners, whereupon
the said Town Commissioners shall in accordance with the judgment of
the Circuit Court for Charles County, declare what person or persons are
the duly elected Town Commissioners of Cobb Island.
1929, ch. 214. sec. G.
45. The said Town Commissioners shall meet in said town on the first
Monday in June next succeeding their election, and as often thereafter
as may bo necessary, to discharge the duties of their office, not less, how-
ever, than once in every three months.
1929. ch. 214, sec. 7.
46. The said Town Commissioners shall at their first meeting after
their election, elect one of their members to be President; and all vacan-
cies in the Board of Town Commissioners caused by death, resignation,
removal from the Town of Cobb Island or otherwise, shall be filled by the
remaining members of said board.