sioners in the month of May, 1929, but that F. W. Knessi, L. O. Slack
and Henry Gilligan, shall be and constitute the Town Commissioners of
Cobb Island, from and after the first day of June, 1929, until the first
day of June, 1930, subject to the provisions of this Act, provided for the
Town Commissioners elected for all other times than as herein in this
section set forth, with power to fill vacancies occurring among their own
number, or elsewhere in this Act set forth, for the Commissioners elected
as herein otherwise provided.
1920. ch. 214. sec. 4.
43. The Town Commissioners shall annually on or before the first
Monday in April each year, give notice by handbills posted in conspicu-
ous places in said town of Cobb Island or by publication in some news-
paper or newspapers published in Charles County or by both handbills
posted as aforesaid, and by publication as aforesaid of the election to be
held for Town Commissioners of Cobb Island in that year, naming the
house of* place to be selected by them at which said election shall be held
and the hours the polls shall be opened and closed respectively, and they
shall, ten days before such election, appoint three persons as judges who-
shall conduct the election; the polls shall be opened at 2 o'clock P. M., and
close at 6 o'clock P. M.; if any of such judges of election shall refuse or
decline or be unable to act as such the Town Commissioners shall fill the
vacancy. Should any of such judges fail to appear at the time and place
for opening the polls and holding the election the remaining judge or
judges shall fill the vacancy; the said judges shall serve without pay, and
shall promptly make their returns to the Town Commissioners, certifying
and declaring what persons shall have been elected Town Commissioners
of Cobb Island at said election, and the Town Commissioners to whom
such returns are made shall determine all questions arising upon said re-
turns, and shall cause the said certificate and declarations of the said
judges of elections to be recorded among the records of the corporation;
the first election held under this Act shall be held on the first Monday in
May, in the year 1930.
1929, ch. 214, sec. 5.
44. The voting at all elections held under the provisions of this Act-
shall be by ballot, on which shall be printed or written the names of the-
persons and no more, possessing the qualifications for Town Commission-
ers as prescribed in this Act, and no other words, letters, figures, signs or
symbols shall be printed or written upon said ballots; no other ballot than
those herein prescribed shall be received or counted by the Judges of Elec-
tion. The ballots shall be received by the judges, one of whom shall place
the ballot in a box provided for that purpose, and another of whom shall
write upon paper provided for the purpose, the name of each voter whose
ballot is received; immediately after the close of the polls the ballots shall
be taken from the box, one by one, counted and tallied by the Judges of
*"Or" evidently intended.