day of June and December, and for Prince George's County, on the third
Monday of January and June, in each year.
1910, ch. 575, sec. 1 (p. 769).
36. The Judges for the Circuit Court for Charles County are hereby
authorized, empowered and directed to appoint a court stenographer for
said Charles County, who shall be a sworn officer of said court. And the
said stenographer so appointed shall be paid a per diem of twelve dollars
per day for each and every day of actual service, which per diem shall be-
levied by the County Commissioners, and be paid by the County Treas-
urer of said Charles County, at the close of each jury term of the Circuit
Court for said Charles County, as a part of the court expenses, upon the
presentation to them of the certificate of the clerk or any of the judges of
said court showing the attendance and services of said court stenographer.
1910. ch. 575, sec. 2 (p. 769).
37. The court stenographer so appointed shall hold his position during-
the pleasure of the said judges of said court, and it shall be his duty to
take full stenographic notes of all oral testimony and judicial opinions,
orally delivered, at the regular jury terms of said court. And it shall also
be his duty to furnish to any party to such proceedings, upon request, a
typewritten copy of the notes of testimony and judicial opinions so taken
by him, or of such part thereof as may be required, on payment by the
party applying, for the expense of such copy at the rate of five cents for
every one hundred words; provided, that said stenographer shall not be
compelled to take such notes when said court is sitting as a Court of
1912, ch, 70.
38. The said stenographer so appointed shall make and deliver to the
Clerk of the Circuit Court for Charles County, to be by him filed in each
and every case in which said stenographic notes shall be taken as required
by the preceding section, a carbon copy of the said notes of testimony and
judicial opinions so taken, written out in full upon a typewriter, within
three days after the taking of testimony and judicial opinion in each and
every case, but for which he shall receive no extra compensation.
1924, ch. 135.
39. In any action hereafter brought in the Circuit Court of Charles
County arising ex contractu, if the plaintiff or his agent shall file at the
time of bringing his action an affidavit setting out distinctly his cause of
action and the sum he claims to be due, exclusive of all set-offs and just
grounds of defense, and shall serve the defendant with copies of his dec-