1836 ARTICLE 7.
P. L. L., 1888, Art 7, sec. 140. 1886, ch. 283.
350. It shall be the duty of the County Surveyor of Carroll County
to survey all public roads to be hereafter opened, altered or changed, and
to make a plat and certificate of survey for the use of the examiners ap-
pointed by the County Commissioners to open, alter or change any such
public road in said county; and the County Commissioners shall not, nor
shall said examiners, appoint or direct any other surveyor than the said
county surveyor to make said survey and plat, unless the said count}'
surveyor shall, from sickness or any other cause, fail or refuse to make said
survey and plat within a reasonable time after being requested by the
commissioners or examiners to make said survey and plat; in which event
either the commissioners or examiners may appoint some competent per-
son to make said survey and plat. P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 141. 1886, ch. 283.
351. The compensation of the County Surveyor for said services shall
be four dollars a day for each and every day so engaged, and three dollars
additional for making a plat and report to the examiners, the same to bo
paid by the County Commissioners.
1904, ch. 256, sec. 1.
352. The citizens of the town of Sykesville, in Carroll and Howard
Counties, are hereby created a body corporate by the name of the "Mayor
and Common Council of Sykesville," with all the powers and privileges
of a body politic and corporate, and by such corporate name shall have
perpetual succession, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court
of law or equity; may have and use a common seal; may purchase and
hold real, personal and mixed property, and sell and dispose of same for
the benefit of the town, and may erect or lease suitable buildings for
municipal purposes.
1904, ch. 256, sec. 2. 1908, ch. 232, sec. 2 (p. 704).
353. The limits of said town shall be as follows: South 38 degrees
west 2 perches from Springfield Hospital stone gate marked "Springfield,''
to beginning of first line running north 41 degrees west 14 perches to
line 2, north 44 1/2 degrees west 72 perches to the beginning of line 3,
as laid out by section 2 of chapter 256 of the Act of 1904, thence north
86 degrees west 64 perches to a stone at the end of line 5 as laid down in
said Act of 1904; thence for line 6 of said Act as therein laid down, to
wit: south 22 degrees, west 195 2-5 perches; line 7, south 16 degrees west
25 perches, to a maple tree; line 8, south 10 1/2 degrees east 181 4-5 perches,
to cedar tree; line 9, south 50 degrees east 182 1/2 perches to a chestnut
tree; line 10, north 54 1/2 degrees east 85 perches to a black oak tree; line
11, north 70 1/2 degrees east 12 perches; line 12, north 74 degrees east