shall be annually levied by the County Commissioners of said county,
and paid to him in quarterly instalments from the first Monday of
January, 1904; said salary to be in full compensation for all services
of the State's Attorney required by law to be paid by the County Com-
missioners of said county.
Nothing in this section shall prevent the State's Attorney from re-
ceiving such other fees or compensation for his services as are now or may
hereafter be provided by law that do not have to be paid by the County
Commissioners of said county.+
1894, ch. 202, sec. 1.
347. Every person or corporation owning or controlling any mill for
grinding flint or any other kind of stone by the cylinder or dry process,
in Carroll County, shall be required to furnish and equip said mill with
the most improved fans, ventilators and other appliances for the removal
from said mill, of the dust made therein by conducting said business, and
to provide for the use of each person employed in said mill, the most
improved apparatus for the protection of said person so employed, from
inhaling said dust, and to keep in repair and renew said apparatus from
time to time as may be necessary, free of cost to said person so em-
ployed; and any such person or corporation failing to comply with the
requirements of this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon indict-
ment and conviction shall be subject to a fine of not less than five hundred
dollars for each and every offense.
1894, ch. 202, sec. 2.
348. Every person employed in any such mill for grinding flint or
other stone, as specified in the preceding section, shall use and wear the
apparatus provided for his protection as above specified, during the
entire time he is at work in any part of said mill where there is any dust,
and any such person so employed, who shall fail to comply with this
requirement, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon indictment and
conviction, shall be subject to a fine of not less than five dollars for each
and every offense.
1894, ch. 202, sec. 3.
349. It shall be the duty of the constable of said county, at least twice
in every year, to inspect all such mills which may be located within the
districts for which the said constables are appointed, respectively, and
to report to the next grand jury for said county any violations of any of
the requirements of this Act which they may discover or which may come
to their knowledge.
+Sec. 3, ch. 171, 1904, repealed all laws Inconsistent therewith.