this Act is to be done, upon his request, all prisoners in his custody under
sentence at hard labor, and receive them upon their return by said officer
of Westminster, and for this delivery and reception the sheriff shall be
entitled to a fee of twenty-five cents for each delivery and twenty-five
cents for each reception of saLd prisoners each and every day, said fees
to be paid by the County Commissioners of Carroll County; and the
sheriff shall retain custody and control of said prisoners while at labor,
and shall see that the work to be done by them is performed according
to the requirements of the said Mayor and Common Council, or their
authorized officer; and for such custody and control of said prisoners and
supervision of the work done by them, the sheriff shall be allowed the sum
of two dollars and fifty cents per day for the first five of said prisoners or
any smaller number thereof, and the sum of twenty-five cents per day
for each prisoner additional to the first five so put at labor, during the
continuance of said labor.
1892, ch. 624, sec. 7.
308. The officer of the City of Westminster, under whose direction
and supervision the hard labor contemplated by this Act is to be per-
formed, shall make monthly report to the County Commissioners of Car-
roll County, and to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of West-
minster, of his operations, such report to include the number of prisoners
performing hard labor, the number of days each worked, the number of
perch of stone used, the amount of work done, the cost thereof and such
other information as he may deem important or as may be required by the
said County Commissioners or the said Mayor and Common Council.*
1908, ch. 159, sec. 1 (p. 709).
309. The Western Maryland Railroad Company, whose tracks cross
the main street in the town of Union Bridge, Carroll County, Maryland,
is hereby required to place, erect and keep in operation and repair safety
gate at such main street crossing in the said town of Union Bridge,
which said safety gate shall be closed on the approach of any and every
train of cars or locomotives, and kept closed until the said cars or locomo-
tive have completely passed said street crossing.
1908, ch. 159, sec 2 (p. 709).
310. Should said Western Maryland Railroad Company violate the
provisions of the foregoing section, it shall be liable to a fine of fifty dol-
lars for every day on which said safety gate is neglected to be erected or
operated; said fine to be collected as other fines are collected.
1910, ch. 61, sec. 1 (p. 705).
311. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company is hereby directed
and required to place a flagman at Hoods Mills Station, in Carroll County,
Sec. 8 of ch. 624, 1892, repealed all laws inconsistent therewith.