P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 31. 1870, ch. 432.
56. Whenever joint fences have been or may be established in the
county for the mutual advantage of owners of adjoining arable lands, each
shall keep in good repair his respective proportion thereof in the manner
following, that is to say: all posts and rail or plank fences shall be at least
four feet and a half high, stone fences four feet high, and all worm or other
fences shall be at least five feet high, the distance in any case to be com-
puted from the ground or base of any embankment on which the same may
be placed.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 32. 1870, ch. 432.
57. If either of the parties making or keeping a joint fence between
arable or enclosed lands shall refuse or delay to repair his proportion
thereof, within twenty days after notice in writing given to him or his
agent, upon proof thereof before a justice of the peace, the justice may,
under his hand and seal, authorize the party aggrieved to repair said fence,
and for so doing he shall be reimbursed all costs and reasonable expenses
necessarily incurred, to be recovered from the party so refusing and delay-
ing, in the manner debts of a like amount are recoverable, and he shall have
a lien on the adjacent arable lands or farm of the person who shall have
refused or delayed to make and repair said fence, so as to secure the reim-
bursement of the cost and expenses of such making and repairing, in the
event of the transfer of said land; provided, the proceedings to enforce
such lien be commenced by the party, or his representatives, within two
years next after such repair shall have been done.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 33. 1870, ch. 432.
58. If joint fences are not made and kept in repair according to the
provisions of the two preceding sections, the party aggrieved or likely to be
injured, instead of pursuing the remedy prescribed in the preceding sec-
tion, may discontinue the said fence, upon giving three months' notice in
writing to the party refusing or delaying, his agent or tenant; and in all
other cases, unless by mutual consent, twelve months' notice shall be re-
quired to discontinue any joint fence.
(All local fish laws were repealed by oh. 471, 1929. See 1929 Supplement to
Annotated Code, Art. 39).
1924, ch. 514.
59. Any landowner or tenant of land may kill any fox on land which
he owns or is tenant of as the case may be in Carroll County, except when
said fox is pursued by hounds followed by hunters.