monies received and paid by him, and of all matters relating to the duties
of his office, with all vouchers relating thereto; he shall attend all meet-
ings of the County Commissioners, make minutes of and record their
proceedings, and perform such other duties as they shall from time to
time require of him; he shall furnish, under seal or otherwise, to indi-
viduals, copies or extracts of any papers in the office of the County Com-
missioners, of which copies or extracts may by law, be required or by their
permission granted, and shall be entitled to the same fees for such services
as the clerk of the Circuit Court for similar services; in case of the death
or resignation of said treasurer at any time during the term for which
lie shall have been appointed or elected, the County Commissioners shall
within twenty days thereafter appoint some one to fill said vacancy, who
shall take the oath and give the bond hereinbefore required to be taken
and given by the treasurer; and the treasurer shall, at the expiration of
his term of office, transfer and deliver to his successors in office all books,
accounts and papers of every kind connected with his office.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 26. 1880, ch. 129.
48. The provisions of Sections 241 to 245, of Article 4, of the Public
Local Laws, title "City of Baltimore," relating to "Cruelty to Animals,"
shall apply to Carroll County as fully as if repeated in this Article.
Secs. 241-245 of Art. 4 were repealed by ch. 496, 1902. Ch. 198, 1890, superseded
said sections. See Annotated Code of Md., Art. 27, secs. 69-70, and State v.
Falkenham, 73 Md. 465.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 28. 1860, Art. 7, sec. 14. 1872, ch. 66. 1888, ch. 337.
49. Carroll County is divided into thirteen elections districts, accord-
ing to their present bounds and limits, and elections for public officers shall
be held in each of said districts at the places heretofore established by law
for that purpose.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 29. 1874, ch. 175.
50. The Seventh Election District of Carroll County, shall be divided
into two election precincts, with the metes and bounds heretofore estab-
lished by law.
1910, ch. 192, sec. 1 (p. 699).
51. A new election district in Carroll County is hereby created and
established by a division of Election District No. 5, now known as Freedom
District, said new election district to be known as Berret Election District
No. 14, and the remaining part of said Election District No. 5 to retain
its present name and number.