1698 ARTICLE 6.
or sums of money as they may deem requisite for building of new bridges
and opening of new roads, and for repairing and reconstructing public
roads and bridges in said county. All of the taxes levied and collected
under the provisions of this section shall be disbursed by the said County
Commissioners upon the roads and bridges in said county and in the man-
ner hereinafter provided, and in no other.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 6, sec. 207. 1860, Art. 6, sec. 153. 1904, ch. 644, sec. 207.
1910, cil. 198, sec. 207 (p. 673).
528. The County Commissioners of Caroline County shall, on or be-
fore the first Tuesday of June succeeding the passage of this Act, as
hereinafter provided for, appoint some competent person, who shall have
a sufficient knowledge of civil engineering and road construction to enable
him to accurately make surveys, plats, profiles and specifications for the
grading, draining, maintenance, repairs and reconstruction of the public
roads of the said county; and also to do the necessary engineering work
for the building or rebuilding of bridges; and who shall have had at least
two years' experience in road engineering work, to be known as County
Road Engineer for Caroline County, at a salary of not less than fifteen
hundred dollars a year, payable monthly; and the said County Road
Engineer shall hold his office for a term of four years, or until.his successor
is appointed, approved and qualified, unless removed for cause, as herein-
after provided; and the County Commissioners shall make such appoint-
ments without any reference whatever to the political opinions of the
person so appointed; and the appointments, when made, shall be approved
by the State Roads Commission.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 6, sec. 208. 1860, Art. 6, sec. 154. 1904, ch. 644, sec. 208.
1910, ch. 198, sec:. 208 (p. 673).
529. The said County Road Engineer shall not be liable to removal
from office during the term for which he is appointed for any other reason
than incompetency or neglect of duty. Complaints of such a character
shall be filed in writing with the "County Commissioners, who shall set a
day for considering such charges or complaints, of which hearing the
County Road Engineer shall have at least five days' notice in writing; and
in case the County Road Engineer shall be removed from his position dur-
ing the term for which he is appointed he may, within ten days' from the
notice of dismissal, ask from the County Commissioners their reason there-
for in writing, and appeal the matter to the State Roads Commission,
whose decision shall be final; provided, said appeal shall be made to the
State Roads Commission within twenty days from the date of the notice
of removal.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 6, sec. 209. 1860, Art. 6, sec. 155. 1904, ch. 644, sec. 209.
530. The County Road Engineer shall reside in Caroline County
during the term of his office, and shall have entire charge, control and
supervision of the working, repairing and reconstructing of the public
roads and bridges in Caroline County, and shall make all specifications