1678 ARTICLE 6.
therein in said town of Preston, which may be needed for the establish-
ment, construction or maintenance of said water works.
1924, ch. 211, sec. 4.
463. The Commissioners of Preston shall have power and authority
and are hereby required to levy all necessary taxes upon the assessed
property within the said town, not exceeding the rate of taxation fixed
in the Charter of said town, as the same may be, or may from time to
time be amended, for the purpose of paying the interest on said bonds,
and also for paying the principal thereof.
1924, ch. 21], sec. 5. 1927, ch. 17, sec. 5.
464. The Commissioners' of Preston are hereby authorized, empowered
and directed to install meters for the measurement of water supplied from
said water works; and the charge for water or water rents shall be fixed
by the Commissioners of Preston but flat rates may be established.
P. L. L., 1SS8, Art. 6, sec. 204. 1886, ch. 509.
465. The County Commissioners of each of the following counties, to
wit, Caroline, Talbot, Dorchester and Wicomico, are authorized and em-
powered, in their discretion, to endorse the bonds of the Baltimore and
Eastern Shore railroad company to an amount not exceeding fifty thousand
dollars each; provided, that no such endorsement shall be made until the
question of such endorsement shall have been submitted to the qualified
voters of their respective counties by the Commissioners thereof, and a ma-
jority of such qualified voters shall have determined in favor of such en-
dorsement; and provided also, that the bonds so endorsed shall be secured
by a mortgage on the property and franchises of said Baltimore and East-
ern Shore railroad, which said mortgage shall be second to a mortgage of
five hundred thousand dollars to the City of Baltimore, but to no other.*
1890, ch. 390, sec. 1.
466. The County Commissioners of Caroline County are hereby ex-
pressly authorized, enabled and empowered to aid the Delaware and Ches-
apeake Railway in the construction of the branch railroad authorized by
Chapter two hundred and sixty of the Acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-
six, by issuing the bonds of the said county of Caroline to the amount of
sixty thousand dollars, which said bonds shall be of the denomination of
one thousand dollars each and shall bear interest at the rate of four per
centum per annum, the principal of said bonds shall be payable in forty
years from date of issue; subject, however, to the right of said county at
*Ch. 158, 1890, authorized Caroline, Talbot, Dorchester and Wicomico to sub-
scribe to the capital stock of the Baltimore and Eastern Shore Railroad Company
if approved by the voters of the respective counties. The voters of Talbot County
approved but those of the other counties rejected the proposal by an overwhelming