to acquire, by inquisition, purchase or otherwise, all the lands and mate-
rials necessary for the construction of the said bridge and its abutments;
and said bridge, when built, shall be maintained and kept in proper repair
by the said counties as a free bridge for the convenience of public travel.
1894, ch. 47, sec. 2.
45. The said bridge and abutments shall be built in the most secure
and substantial manner, and shall not be less than eighteen feet wide, with
railing on each side thereof, not less than four feet high, and there shall
be a draw in said bridge of at least twenty-four feet in width, so as to
afford a convenient passage of boats up and down said river.
1894, ch. 47, sec. 3.
46. The County Commissioners of Caroline and Dorchester Counties
shall annually, at their first meeting in May in each year, appoint one
person for each county, who shall be a land holder and resident of the
respective election district in each county in which said bridge may be
located; the said two persons so chosen shall elect a third person as a
president, who shall be a resident and land holder of one of the election
districts in which the said bridge may be located; and the said persons
so chosen shall act as a board to superintend and manage the affairs- of
said bridge, under such rules and regulations as the said board so con-
stituted may prescribe, and which shall have full and ample power for
the superintendence and management of said bridge, but who shall serve
without any compensation for their services.
1894, ch. 47, sec. 4.
47. The County Commissioners of Caroline and Dorchester Counties
are hereby authorized and empowered to levy on the assessable property
of Caroline and Dorchester Counties, such sum of money as may be neces-
sary to carry out and secure the provision of this Act, the expense thereof
to be paid and borne, one-half by Caroline County, and the remaining one-
half by Dorchester County, to be levied at their regular annual levy.
1894, ch. 47, sec. 5.
47A. The cost of maintaining the said bridge and keeping it in safe re-
pair and condition for public travel shall be paid in the same ratio as in the
preceding section, viz: One-half by Caroline County, and one-half by
Dorchester County; and the County Commissioners of the aforesaid coun-
ties are hereby authorized and empowered to levy upon the assessable
property of their respective counties such sum of money as may be neces-
sary, from time to time, to defray said cost, in the proportion aforesaid.
1894, ch. 47, sec. 6.
47B. None of the provisions of this Act shall become operative until the
same shall have received the sanction of the boards of the County Com-
missioners of the counties aforesaid.