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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1537   View pdf image (33K)
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of the corporation, and may appoint a collector to collect the same and
prescribe his term of office, responsibility and compensation; and the said
collector shall have the same power to distrain for said taxes as the col-
lectors of county taxes have, and shall pay the same when collected to the
said Commissioners.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 6, sec. 46. 1860, Art. 6, sec. 41

36. They may annually appoint a bailiff, who shall preserve the health
and good order of the town, and for that purpose shall have all the powers
of a constable, and who shall give bond to the County Commissioners as
other constables, for the faithful performance of his duty.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 6, sec. 47. 1860, Art 6, sec. 42.

37. All fines and forfeitures under the ordinances of the said corpora-
tion shall be recoverable as small debts.


P. L. L., 1888 Art. 6, sec. 106. 1865, ch. 128.

38. The inhabitants of Caroline County shall have the privilege of
passing over Dover Bridge, being the bridge across Choptank River at
Dover Ferry, with their vehicles, carriages, wagons, carts, horses, mules,
oxen, cattle, sheep, hogs, and all other property, free from toll or exaction
of any kind.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 6, sec. 107. 1865, ch. 128.

39. The County Commissioners are required to levy and pay annually
the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars to the person who may have
charge of said bridge, for the purpose of keeping it, and the causeway
leading to it, in repair, and to compensate the person who may attend
the draw thereof.

1894, ch. 548, sec. 1. 1900, ch. 183, sec. 1.

40. The County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot Counties, a
majority of each board concurring, shall have full power and authority
to construct, maintain and keep in safe repair a draw-bridge over the
Choptank River, between Caroline and Talbot Counties, at the place
known as Dover Bridge, with the opening in the draw at least sixty feet
wide; and said County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot Counties,
a majority of each board concurring, shall have full power and authority
to make reasonable rules and regulations for the use of said bridge, known
as Dover Bridge by the public, and for the protection of said bridge and
other property belonging thereto or therewith, and to enforce the observ-
ance of said lilies and regulations by imposing upon any person or persons
violating the same any reasonable fine, not exceeding ten dollars, for any


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1537   View pdf image (33K)
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