1918, ch. 194. sec. 4.
312. Any person or persons buying any leaf tobacco in Anne Arundel
or the adjoining counties, contrary to the provisions set forth in the dif-
ferent sections of this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and
upon conviction before the court of the county in which tobacco is bought,
shall be subject to the fines and penalties set forth in Section 309 of this
1918, ch. 194, sec. 5.
313. Nothing in this Act shall be so construed so as to prevent any
bona fide farmer from selling his tobacco raised and grown by him or her
upon his or her farm in any manner, nor shall it prevent any person or
persons from selling or buying crops or parts of unstrippecl crops of to-
bacco hanging in barns nor from packing, shipping and selling tobacco
in hogsheads, as has been the custom.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 140. 1884, ch. 35.
314. Any person who shall enter upon or cross over the premises or
private property of any person in Calvert County, after having had a
special written notice served upon him by the owner of said property,
or by his agent, not to cross over or enter upon said premises or private
property, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction
thereof before some justice of the peace of said county, be fined by said
Justice not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, and in
default of the payment of said fine, together with the cost of prosecutions,
shall be committed by said justice of the peace to the county jail for a
period of twenty days.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 141. 1884, ch. 35.
315. All fines collected under the preceding section shall be paid by
the justice of the peace before whom such conviction shall be had, and
whose duty it is made to collect the same, over to the County Commis-
sioners, within a period of thirty days after receiving the same.