1520 ARTICLE 5.
bundles) in Anne Arundel or the adjoining counties, before doing so shall
first obtain a license from the Clerk of the Court for the county in which
he or they reside, said license to cost twenty-five dollars, and fifty cents
clerk's fee. Failure to obtain said license before engaging in said busi-
ness, the person or persons so engaged, shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor and upon conviction therefor, shall be fined not less than one
hundred dollars ($100.00), nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00),
or to be imprisoned in jail for not less than three (3) months, nor more
than six (6) months.
1918, ch. 194, sec. 2.
310. Any landlord wishing to sell any leaf tobacco in Anne Arundel
or the adjoining counties raised or grown upon his or her farm by a tenant
who works said farm for a share in crops grown, shall before doing so
obtain a written permission from the tenant, and likewise, any tenant
wishing to sell any leaf tobacco grown and raised as aforesaid, shall before
doing so obtain a written permission from the landlord or his or her agent;
in either case the permission shall accompany the tobacco to be sold and
be presented to the buyer, who shall sign his name on the back of said
permission and set forth the date received. The buyer shall also furnish
two statements; one to the landlord and one to the tenant, setting forth
in both statements the kind of tobacco, the weight, the price paid and
date received. The permission endorsed as aforesaid shall be returned
to the giver. Any buyer or receiver of tobacco as aforesaid failing to
comply with the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction before any justice of the peace of the
county in which he resides, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars
($50.00), nor more than ($100.00) one hundred dollars, or be confined
in the county jail for not less than three (3) months, nor more than six
(6) months.
1918. ch. 194, sec. 3.
311. Any person or persons not a bona fide farmer or licensed buyer
and seller of tobacco, wishing to sell any leaf tobacco in Anne Arundel or
the adjoining counties, grown or raised by him or her on his or her lot of
ground not a farm, shall before doing so appear in person before a jus-
tice of the peace of the county in which he or she resides and obtain a
permission, which shall be issued to him free to sell or dispose of said
tobacco. The permission issued shall set forth the kind of tobacco, the
weight (if known), the name of the party applying for the same and date
issued. Said permit shall accompany said tobacco to the buyer, who shall
write his name and date when presented on the back of said permission,
and also the weight and kind of tobacco received by him, and return said
permission to the issuing justice of the peace to be kept by him for one
year. Any person or persons as aforesaid, failing to comply with the
provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and
shall be on conviction before any justice of the peace of the county sub-
jected to the fine and penalties as set forth in Section 310 of this Article.