for a female dog, as the case may be, has been paid for the current year
i'or the use of the dog.
1910, ch. 462, sec. 9 (p. 666).
137. When any resident of Calvert County shall have any domestic
fowls or animals destroyed or injured by dogs, he may apply to any jus-
tice of the peace of said county, who shall appoint three disinterested per-
sons as appraisers, to view and appraise the damages by him sustained,
and they, or a majority of them, shall, under oath, state in writing, to the
County Commissioners, the number of fowls or animals so killed, the
character and extent of the injury, if any, and the amount of damages
sustained by the owner; and in like manner they shall give a general
description of both the destroyed and injured fowls or animals; and both
the appraisers and the owner shall make oath that they believe the same
to have been destroyed or injured by dogs, and they, or either of them,
shall state under oath the names of the owners of said dogs, and when
the report of such proceedings shall have been filed in the office of the
County Commissioners the said Commissioners shall review said report,
and if in their judgment the amount of damages stated is unfair, they
shall award such amounts as they may deem fair; provided, that before
the Commissioners shall make any award of damages for the killing of
said fowls or animals the person claiming damages shall be required to
prove to the satisfaction of the County Commissioners that he does not
know and is unable, with reasonable diligence, to ascertain the owner of
the dogs which did such damage; or if the said owner is known, to prove
to the satisfaction of said Commissioners that it is impracticable to col-
lect the amount of damages sustained by suit against the owner of said
dogs; and in case any dog shall be known to kill any domestic fowls or
animals, it shall be lawful for any person to kill such dog; and in case
the damages to any person by reason of loss or injury to his domestic
fowls or animals shall be from dogs, either his own or kept upon his prem-
ises, he shall be entitled to no compensation under this Act.*
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 69. 1860, Art. 4, sec. 30.
138. Calvert County is divided into three election districts, according
to their present bounds and limits, in each of which districts all elections
for public officers shall be held, at the place now established by law.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 70. 1872, ch. 77.
139. The County Commissioners are authorized to redistrict or in-
crease the number of election precincts in said county if in their judgment
it may seem needful and necessary.
Browne v. Dorsey, 99 Md. 607.
See Art. 33 of Annotated Code.
*Sec. 10, ch. 462, 1910. repeals all laws inconsistent therewith.