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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1476   View pdf image (33K)
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1476 ARTICLE 5.

a dog the constable shall give him a receipt in the form of this Act pre-
scribed, and also a tag to be worn by the dog; and the constable shall
report to the County Commissioners on or before the first day of every
month in the same manner and form aforesaid, and shall at the same time
pay to the County Treasurer all the tax funds they have collected, less the
sum of twenty-five cents for each and every dog so receipted for by them,
which said sum, and no more, they shall retain for their services; they
shall also state in their monthly reports those who have failed to pay the
tax on their dogs as required by this Act.

1910, ch. 462, sec. 4 (p. 666).

132. If any constable shall neglect or refuse to perform his duty as
set forth in this Act, he shall be subject to prosecution for malfeasance in
office and to removal from office.

1910, ch. 462, sec. 5 (p. 666).

133. The County Treasurer shall place the tax so collected to the
credit of a fund to be called the "Dog Fund," of Calvert County; but if
there remains in the county treasury to the credit of the "Dog Fund" on
the first day of September of each year a sum more than sufficient to pay
the awards for damages for domestic fowls and animals made by the
County Commissioners prior to that date, such surplus shall, upon the
order of the Commissioners, be turned over to the Board of School Com-
missioners of said county as revenue for the public schools of said county.

1910, ch. 462, sec. 6 (p. 666).

134. The County Commissioners shall direct the constables to kill any
dog for which said tax is not paid before the first day of April in each
year, and for such service the Commissioners may allow such compensa-
tion as they may deem adequate; provided, it be paid from the tax col-
lected on dogs; and any person opposing or in any way hindering any
constable in killing any dog in the performance of his duty shall be fined
not more than one hundred dollars nor less than ten dollars and costs,
upon conviction before any justice of the peace in and for Calvert County,
and shall stand committed to the county jail until the fine and costs are

1910, ch. 462, sec. 7 (p. 666).

135. Every person who shall maliciously remove from any dog wear-
ing the legal tag procured from the constables or County Treasurer, shall
pay a fine of five dollars and costs, upon conviction before any justice of
the peace in and for Calvert County.

1910, ch. 462, sec. 8 (p. 666)

136. In case of the loss of the tag issued by the County Treasurer,
upon application to him by the owners of the dog, a duplicate may be
furnished on the payment of twenty-five cents and satisfactory evidence
being furnished that the tax of one dollar for a male dog and two dollars


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1476   View pdf image (33K)
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