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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1463   View pdf image (33K)
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ized, to appoint a clerk to serve for the term of two years or until his suc-
cessor is appointed and qualified, who shall receive the same salary as here-
inbefore provided.

1927, ch. 93, sec. 55A.

83. Said Clerk and County Commissioners shall attend at the office
of the Board of County Commissioners of Calvert County each and every
Tuesday from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M.

P. L. L,. 1888, Art. 5, sec. 56. 1860, Art. 5, sec. 27.

84. The said clerk, before he enters upon the duties of his office shall
give bond to the State of Maryland, to be approved by the County Com-
missioners, in the penalty of one thousand dollars, conditioned for the
faithful performance of the duties of his office, and the said bond shall
be recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Calvert

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 57. 1860, Art. 5, sec. 28.

85. The said clerk shall also take and subscribe before one of said.
Commissioners the following oath: "I, A. B., do swear, that as Clerk
to the County Commissioners for Calvert County, I will honestly and
faithfully, to the best of my skill and judgment, execute the duties of the
said office, without favor, affection or prejudice.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 58. 1876, ch. 83.

86. He is authorized and empowered to administer an oath or affirma-
tion to any person presenting a claim to said Commissioners against the
county, for which service he shall not be entitled to make any charge, the
same being hereby made a part of his official duty.


1890, ch. 183, sec. 1. 1892, ch. 64.

87. The Governor of the State of Maryland, by and with the advice
and consent of the Senate, shall appoint a competent person, resident of
Calvert County, treasurer for said county, who shall give bond and qualify
as hereinafter directed, and who shall be ineligible for election until one
full term has elapsed and who shall hold his office until his successor is
elected and qualifies as hereinafter provided, and who shall be subject at
all times to be removed by the Governor for wilful neglect of duty or
misdemeanor in office upon conviction in a court of law; the said treasurer
shall be collector of all State and county taxes for whatsoever purpose or
purposes levied or to be levied, for or within said county during the term
of his office or that may be placed in his hands for collection, and he shall
have full power, and it shall be his duty to receive and collect all State and
county taxes levied as aforesaid, and so put in his hands for collection and
all moneys which may be due said county with full power to enforce the pay-


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1463   View pdf image (33K)
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