1462 ARTICLE 5.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 50. 1878, ch. 344.
79. The holders of said orders, checks or drafts failing to present the
same to the County Commissioners as provided for in the preceding sec-
tion, shall not be entitled to receive or demand of, or from said collectors,
any interest on the same after the time provided in said section for the
presentment thereof; nor shall any interest be collectible on said orders,
checks or drafts when held by persons who refuse to accept from said
collector payment thereof, after payment has been tendered by said col-
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5. sec. 51. 1876, ch. 124. 1884, cte 90. 1884, ch. 9L
80. The County Commissioners are authorized and empowered to levy
annually on the assessable property of the county a tax sufficient to pay
the annual interest on all outstanding bonds heretofore issued according
to law, and also, when necessary, to pay the principal of said bonds as
the same shall fall due. The bonds issued under the Acts of 1884, Chapter
90, and 1884, Chapter 91, shall be exempt from all taxation, and the
coupons for interest thereon shall be receivable in payment of county taxes.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 52. 1886, ch. 443. 1892, ch. 681. 1904, ch. 356.
1912, ch. 819.
81. Before making the annual levy in each and every year they shall
•contract for the printing and publishing in one of the papers in said
county of the annual statement, notice of registration and election; and
they shall have printed in said paper such other printing that is or may
be required to be done and paid for by the county for the period of one
year from the clay of making such contract, provided such contract shall
not allow for the entire printing and publishing of every kind whatsoever
to be paid for by the county any compensation exceeding four hundred
and fifty dollars, and if either of said papers shall not contract for the
printing for the above-named sum, then the County Commissioners are
hereby authorized and empowered to have the same done by handbill or
such other method as they may adopt; provided that nothing in this act
shall apply to the printing required for elections in said county, which
printing shall not exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars.*
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 5, sec. 55. 1860, Art. 5, Hec. 26. 1894, ch. 209. 1898, ch. 310.
1927, ch. 93, sec. 55.
82. The County Commissioners shall immediately after the passage
of this Act, appoint a clerk to their board, who shall hold his office until
Ins successor is appointed and qualified and who shall receive as compen-
sation for his services as such clerk the sum of eight hundred dollars per
annum and no more, to be levied for by said Commissioners as is usual
in such cases; and hereafter it shall be the duty of said Board of Commis-
sioners immediately after any general election, when a new Commissioner
or Commissioners is or are elected and their board shall have been reorffan-
*Sec. 2 of ch. 619, 1912, repealed all laws inconsistent therewith.