140 ARTICLE 1.
degrees, west nineteen and one-tenth perches to a post in front of fence of
Charles Weisenthal's house; twenty-sixth, south sixty-nine degrees, west
ten and seven-tenths perches; twenty-seventh, south thirty-five and three-
quarter degrees, east forty-two perches to a point in fence of Castle school
building; then twenty-eighth, south forty-five and three-quarter degrees,
west twenty-four and one-half perches to the southwest corner of Samuel
Barber's, Sr., fence on Church Hill; twenty-ninth, south forty and three-
quarter degrees, east fifteen and four-tenths perches; thirtieth, south twenty
degrees, east twenty-eight and eight-tenths perches to south side of county
road; thence across George's Creek and Cumberland and Pennsylvania
Railroad; thirty-one, south twenty-nine degrees, east thirty-one perches;
thirty-second, south thirty-three and one-half degrees, west ten and nine-
tenths perches to the corner of A. Jackson Clark's fence; and with it
thirty-third, south twenty-one and one-fourth degrees, east twenty-eight
and two-tenths perches; then thirty-fourth, north sixty-nine and one-half
degrees, east seven and eighty-eight one-hundredths perches to southeast
corner of John Ricker's lot; then thirty-fifth, south seventeen degrees, east
sixteen and one-half perches to the place of beginning.
1920, ch. 207.
387. The Mayor and City Council shall have the authority to extend
by ordinance the boundaries of the town of Lonaconing not exceeding five
hundred feet in every direction from the present boundaries of said town
whenever they may deem it desirable or necessary.
This section was adopted by the voters of Lonaconing in accordance with the
provisions of sec. 2 of ch. 207, 1920.
1890, ch. 132, sec. 3. 1802, ch. 425, sec. 3. 1912. ch. 217, sec. 3.
388. The clerk shall receive nominations for any elective office of said
corporation of Lonaconing at any time not less than ten days preceding the
date of election; said nominations shall be in the form of a petition signed
by not less than two per cent, of the voters registered at the election next
immediately preceding; and should there be no nominations so filed before
the clerk for any elective office, then the time allowed for filing applications
for such office shall be extended until four days prior to the date of election
aforesaid; and the clerk shall thereupon prepare the ballot in form similar
to the ballot used in election of the General Assembly. The names of can-
didates for each office shall be arranged alphabetically according to their
surname, under the designation of the office. Above the names of the can-
didates for each office and upon a separate line immediately underneath
the designation of the office there shall be printed an appropriate direction
to the voter, informing him of the number of persons for whom he may
lawfully vote for the particular office mentioned immediately above each
said, direction, thus, "Vote for one," or "Vote for three," as the case may
be. Ballots shall be so printed as to give each voter a clear opportunity to
designate by a cross (X) in a square at the right of the name of each can-
didate, his choice of candidate. After each group of names of candidates