so situated as to be, in the judgment of said arbitrators, of use to the
inhabitants of the counties outside of the territory to be annexed by this
Act to Baltimore City, shall be valued by said arbitrators according to
their judgment of its usefulness to the people of the counties outside of
the territory annexed by this Act to Baltimore City. The intention of
this Section is that the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall pay
to the Treasurer of Baltimore County and the Treasurer of Anne Arundel
County, respectively, the fair value of any and every use of the public
property hereinabove mentioned situate within the territory annexed by
this Act to Baltimore City, of which the inhabitants of the County outside
of said territory are deprived by this Act.
In addition to the payments hereinabove directed to be made, the Mayor
find City Council of Baltimore shall also pay to the Treasurer of Anne
Arundel County the fair value of the existing bridge over Curtis Creek,
included within the territory annexed by this Act to Baltimore City, said
value to be ascertained in case of disagreement, by the arbitrators above
mentioned upon the basis of the cost of reproducing said bridge new, less
a proper charge for depreciation on account of age.
The total amount ascertained in pursuance of this section to be paid
by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to the Treasurer of Balti-
more County and the total amount so ascertained to be paid to the Treas-
urer of Anne Arundel County shall be paid by said Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Baltimore in ten annual installments; 1/10th of said total amount
to be paid on or before September 1st, 1919, and l/10th to be paid on
or before the same date each year thereafter until the whole is paid. The
title of the County Commissioners of Anne Arundel County and Balti-
more County, respectively, or of other public officials or bodies holding
title to any school houses and lots, engine houses and lots, station-houses
and lots, together with the furniture and equipment therein or other
public property situate within the territory annexed by this Act to Balti-
more City, shall become and be vested in the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore as of January 1st, 1919,—all of said property to be there-
after held by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore upon the same
public trusts upon which it has heretofore been held by the said County
Commissioners or other public officials or bodies of the said counties,
Board of Education v. Hartman. 146 Md. 307.
1918, ch. 82. sec. 10.
Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That the territory annexed to
Baltimore City by this Act is hereby declared to be a taxing district, and,
for the year 1919, the Board of Estimates and the Mayor and the City
Council of Baltimore, in fixing a tax rate, in the fall of 1918, under
Section 40 of the Charter, shall fix the rate of taxation for local purposes
in said taxing district at a sum equal to 60% of the full city rate which
shall be fixed by said Board upon real estate situate within the limits of
Baltimore City as they existed prior to the passage of the Act of 1888,