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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 11   View pdf image (33K)
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1918, ch. 328, sec. 14.

23. Joseph P. McCormick, Harry Malcolm and Gilbert C. Cooling are
hereby appointed registrars to hold the several registrations of voters
under this Act, prior to and including the election of the first town officials
provided for in this Act, and that immediately after the passage of this
Act they shall give at least ten days' notice of the time and place thereof
by handbills posted in at least five (5) public places in said town, at
which all qualified voters, as provided for in Section 13 of this Article
may be registered; 'and the said officers of registration shall take oath
before some Justice of the Peace of the said County, to permit every
qualified voter to register and none other; the majority of the registration
officers shall have power to do all things under this section in case one of
them dies or refuses to act; and that upon the completion of the registry
of votes the officers herein named shall give the judges of election a list
of the names so registered.

1918, ch. 328, sec. 15.

24. Gordon Durst, Patrick Conroy and Philip Lashbaugh are hereby
appointed judges of election to hold the several elections provided under
this Act prior to and including the election of the first town officials under
this Act, and at least ten (10) days before the first Monday in June, 1918,
or the first Monday in June, 1919, they shall give notice that the election
shall be held and the time and place thereof by handbills, posted in at
least five (5) public places in said town at which election all persons
qualified as prescribed in Section 13 of this Article shall be entitled to vote
for one person for Mayor, one person for Clerk, and four (4) persons for
Commissioners, and such judges of election before opening the polls shall
take oath before some Justice of the Peace in Allegany County, to permit
every qualified voter to vote and none other, and the majority of said
judges shall have power to do all things herein provided, in case one
should die or refuse to act.

1918, ch. 328, sec. 16.

25. The provisions of this Act incorporating the town of Barton and
providing for the election of its town officials shall not be effective and in
effect until the citizens of said town qualified to vote as hereinbefore set
forth and who have been properly registered in conformity with the pro-
visions of this Act, shall by a majority vote, accept this act of incorpora-
tion, and the said judges of election shall submit forthwith to the qualified
voters of said town the question of such incorporation and the acceptance
of this Act, by calling an election on the first Monday of May, 1918, when
the qualified voters may assemble and vote as herein provided. The said
appointed judges giving at lest ten (10) days' notice of such time and
place of the said election and the ballot to be cast at said election shall
have printed thereon "For Incorporation" and "Against Incorporation"
and if a majority of the said voters shall vote in favor of incorporation


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 11   View pdf image (33K)
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