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1929 Supplement to the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland
Volume 376, Page 630   View pdf image (33K)
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630 ARTICLE 99.

mitting such applicant to breed and protect the game raised on the land
or water owned or leased by said licensee. Said license shall expire on
the thirty-first day of December after date of issuance. No license shall
be issued to any person owning or leasing land or water which is not
enclosed with a fence, said fence must be of such character as to prohibit
egress and ingress or1 water satisfactory to the Game Warden. If the land
is an entire island or if it is partially surrounded by water and enclosed
with a fence where it adjoins other land, the same shall be acceptable
under the terms of this section.

1927, ch. 568, sec. 64. 1929, ch. 416, sec. 64.

61. Before any licensee shall offer any game raised on his property
for sale, said game shall first be offered to the Game Warden of this State
for propagation purposes, and said Game Warden within ten days after
receipt of said offer, shall notify the licensee whether he desires to purchase
same or not. Before any game raised in captivity is shipped or removed
from any premises, the licensee shall apply to the Game Warden for a tag,
which shall be supplied at cost, said tag to be composed of two parts and
when, detached one part thereof containing the name and address of the
purchaser, and the kind and number of game shipped or removed shall
be placed on the container or the birds or animals. The other part of tie
tag containing; the information required shall immediately be returned to
the Game Warden. The tag attached to any container of any bird or
animal shall so remain until the contents of the container are removed,
disposed of, or the living bird released from the container, or the dead
body of any bird or animal is sold, or the dead body is cut up for retail
purposes or final consumption, at which time the tag shall be removed by
the person receiving same, and shall at once be forwarded to the Game
Warden. It shall be unlawful for any person who engages in the occupa-
tion, of raising and selling game, as provided for in the preceding section,
to ship same beyond the confines of this State at any time, either dead or
alive, without a permit from the Game Warden so to do. Every licensee
shall keep a ledger of all game purchased by him, number of eggs received,
the number of birds or animals raised, the number killed and sold either
dead or alive, and make an itemized report to the Game Warden of this
State on or before December 15th of each and every year. Said report
must be made as herein provided before said licensee receives a Breeder's
permit for the following year.

(a) To encourage the raising of Chinese Ringnecked or Mongolian
Pheasants in captivity where said birds are raised under a Game Breeder's
license on property conforming to the requirements as herein provided,
said birds may be killed by shooting or otherwise during the closed season
as provided by law.

(b) The preserve used for the breeding of elk or deer pursuant to this
section shall be surrounded by a good and sufficient fence of wire or other

1 Evidently a typographical error in act


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1929 Supplement to the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland
Volume 376, Page 630   View pdf image (33K)
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