626 ARTICLE 99.
which is ordinarily used for the hunting of water fowl; provided, however,
that for the purpose of securing a berth for the legal gunning days, as here-
in defined, crafts or hunting outfits may, on the evening preceding the legal
gunning day, use the main channel, between 6 P. M. and 12 o'clock Mid-
night, to reach the waters above a line from Point Concord Lighthouse in
Harford County to Stump's Point in Cecil County, and also use the main
channel to reach the waters below a line from Locust Point in Harford
Comity to Turkey Point in Cecil County. No person shall cross these
lines until 3. 15 A. M. of the legal gunning day.
1927, ch. 340, sec. 4.
53. Any person, or their assigns, who is a bona fide owner of land
bounding upon the Chesapeake Bay or the Northeast River adjacent to
the lines as herein provided, may in the months of October or November
in each year, select and mark any point on their shore as reserved for their
gunning during the season of or immediately following said selection or
marking as aforesaid; and thereafter such owner or his assigns shall have
during said season exclusive right to station a gunning rig or craft, or set
decoys, and gun within one-quarter (1/4) mile from shore, which said one-
quarter mile line shall run at right angles to the shore line from the point
so designated or selected by said land owner.
1927. ch. 340, sec. 5. 1929, ch. 459, sec. 5.
54. The Governor of this State shall every two years with the advice
and consent of the Senate, appoint two ducking police for Cecil County
and one ducking police for the Elk and Bohemia Rivers and two ducking
police for Harford County, who shall also be appointed by the Game War-
den, as Deputy Wardens, and shall be compelled to report to the Game War-
den and to enforce the conservation laws of this State under the supervi-
sion of the Game Warden. Such ducking police and deputy wardens so
appointed by the Governor, shall not receive a salary from the State or
Counties, but shall be paid the sum of Four Hundred ($400) Dollars each,
from the State Game Protection Fund, for services rendered during the
legal hunting season for water fowl. The ducking police, so appointed,
shall be compelled to patrol the waters known as the Susquehanna Flats,
and other territories adjoining, when the Game Warden of this State so re-
quests; and enforce all the game and fish laws of this State, and shall be
empowered to make arrests for a violation of this sub-title and the game
and fish laws of this State without a warrant.
1927, ch. 340, sec. 6.
55. The Clerk of the Circuit Court for Harford County and the Clerk
of the Circuit1 for Cecil County, upon the application of any resident
of the State of Maryland, being the owner of any gunning rig such as
allowed by the provisions of this sub-title to be used and employed in
shooting at water fowl therefrom, shall grant a license under the Seal of
1 This is just as it appears in the act.