2750 ARTICLE 88A.
An. Code, sec. 2. 1904, sec. 2. 1900, ch. 679, sec. 5. 1904, ch. 549, sec. 3.
2. No member of this board nor its secretary shall be directly or indi-
rectly interested in any contract for building, repairing or furnishing in
whole or in part, or be financially interested in any contract with any
institution coming under the supervision of this board; nor shall any
officer, secretary or employe of any such institution be eligible to appoint-
ment on this board.
An. Code, sec. 3. 1904, sec. 3. 1900, ch. 679, sec. 6. 1904, ch. 549, sec. 4. 1916, ch. 705, sec. 3.
3. The members of this Board shall receive no compensation for their
services, but their actual expenses incurred in attending meetings of the
Board or in attending to its necessary business shall be paid.
An. Code, sec. 4. 1904, sec. 4. 1900, ch. 679, sec. 4. 1904, ch. 549, sec. 5.
4. The boardbshall hold regular meetings quarterly and may hold ad-
journed, special or called meetings at any time in such places within this
State as may seem to it convenient and expedient. It shall investigate and
consider the whole system of State aid to public and other institutions
receiving aid in this State. To this end it shall have power to make an
investigation at any time into the condition and management of any insti-
tution financially aided by this State, and may demand such information,
statistical or otherwise, as it may desire from the officers, directors or
employes of such institutions; or it may direct such an investigation to
be made by a committee of its members or by its secretary. Within one
week after the convening of every regular session of the general assembly
it shall furnish to the chairman of the finance committee of the senate and
the ways and means committee of the house of delegates a printed report
of the condition of all the institutions receiving financial aid from this
State, and shall further make such recommendations as to the appropria-
tions for such institutions as may seem wise and for the best interests of
this State, giving the reasons for such recommendations as fully as may
be practicable.
An. Code, sec. 4A. 1916, ch. 705, sec. 4A.
5. To enable the Board of State Aid and Charities to properly dis-
charge the duties imposed upon it by this law, the said Board may of its
own motion, or by the direction of the Governor shall cause charges to be
formulated against any corporation, association, institution or agency
receiving financial assistance from the State or with which the State has
contracts and cause a copy of such charges to be served on such corpora-
tion, association, institution or agency; and shall have power to issue a
summons for witnesses and documents, which summons shall be duly
served, as are other similar writs, by any sheriff to whom the same shall
be directed, and to administer oaths, and take testimony which it shall
cause to be transcribed and included in its report. And the said Board
shall have further power to visit, in person or by its Secretary, any insti-
tution receiving financial assistance from the State, or with which the
State has contracts, and to thoroughly inspect the management, buildings