1. Board of.
2. Members of said board shall not be
interested in contracts, etc.
3. Expenses of to be paid.
4. Investigation of systems of state aid;
report to general assembly.
5. Charges against state-aided institu-
tions ; inspection of ; appeal to court.
Appropriations to be paid on per
capita basis; proviso.
6-7. Secretary— duties ; employees; offices.
8. Appropriation for payment of salaries
and expenses.
9. Annual and continuing appropriations,
from general treasury, repealed ; pro-
Burial of Soldiers and Sailors.
10-13. Of civil war veterans, when borne
by state; appropriation.
Pauper or Vagrant Children.
14. Pauper or vagrant, etc., children not
to be brought into state without con-
sent of board of state aid and chari-
ties; bond.
15. Violation of sec. 14.
16. Limitations upon application of secs.
14 and 15.
Volunteer Firemen.
17-20. Disabled firemen's list; pensions;
Mothers' Relief.
21. Board of, for Baltimore City; em-
ployees; duties and powers.
22. Jurisdiction of courts, preserved. Ap-
plication for, and conditions of, re-
23-24. Procedure; evidence.
25. Relief granted.
26. Mothers not properly caring for chil-
. dren to be reported ; revocation of
27. Insufficiency of funds.
28. Assistant investigators in Baltimore
29. Penalties.
30. Appropriation.
31. Report to legislature.
An. Code, sec. 1. 1904, sec. 1. 1900, ch. 679, sec. 1. 1904, ch. 549, sec. 2. 1916, ch. 705, sec. 1.
1. There shall be a Board of State Aid and Charities, consisting of
seven persons, six of whom shall be appointed by the Governor. The
Governor shall be ex-officio, a member of said Board, and shall biennially
appoint three members of said Board, who shall serve for a period of
four years from the first Monday in May next after their appointment,
and shall continue in office until their successors shall have been appointed
and qualified. In 1916, he shall appoint six persons, three of whom shall
serve for two years, and three for four years. Of the six members so
appointed, two may be women, and not more than three shall be resi-
dents of any one county or city. A vacancy shall be filled by appoint-
ment for the unexpired term in accordance with the terms of this Section.