191. Taxes for support of schools, how
Chapter 17. High Schools.
192. Establishment; control.
193. State aid, conditions of; groups of
high schools.
194. Teachers' training course.
195. Salaries.
196. Inspection of high schools receiving
state aid; duty of state superin-
tendent; lists.
197. Amount of state aid.
198. What certificates or diplomas shall
199. Course of study; by-laws.
Chapter 18. Schools for Colored
200. General regulations.
201. Under direction of district school
202-203. Salaries of teachers.
Chapter 19. Source and Distribution
of Income.
204. General state school fund, distribu-
tion of.
,205. State to levy tax for support of
206. Appropriations for state board of edu-
cation and state superintendent of
schools, how paid.
207. Certification of amounts due; school
commissioners of Baltimore city and
county boards of education; pay-
ment thereof.
208. Apportionment of special fund to
state-aided schools.
209. Payments to treasurer of county
boards of education; apportionment.
Failure to comply with this article.
210. Comptroller to transmit statement to
state board.
Chapter 20. Colored Industrial Schools.
211-214. Establishment; course; visits to;
appropriation; management and con-
of; attendance.
Farmers' Institutes.
215. Establishment of.
216. One such held annually in each
217. Director of.
218. Appropriation.
219. Accounts kept and report published.
Chapter 21. School Attendance.
220-221. What children must attend school;
duty of parents and guardians; pen-
222-223. Penalties.
224-225. Attendance officers; duties, etc.
226. Parental schools.
227. Census in Baltimore city of children
between five and eighteen years;
withholding information; false
228. Reports from public and private
schools of absent children.
229. Attendance officers to visit places
where minors employed.
230. Penalties.
231. Deaf and blind children to attend
school; provisos; duty of parents or
232. Provision where parents unable to
pay cost of transportation.
233. Penalty for violation of preceding
234. Inducing such children to stay away
from school, or harboring them;
235. List of deaf, blind or feeble-minded
children, who do not attend school,
furnished county boards and board
of education of Baltimore city; cer-
tification thereof.
236. Explanation of terms; special pro-
vision as to schools in Baltimore
237. Property held in trust by school com-
238. What monies exempt from taxation.
239. Flag to be displayed from school
buildings; patriotic exercises.
240. University of Maryland.