School Physicians.
118-128. School physicians; qualifications;
compensation; examination of chil-
dren, teachers, janitors and build-
ings; contagious diseases; tests for
defective sight, or hearing; notice to
parents; visiting nurses; health cer-
tificates; normal schools; expenses
Chapter 10. Text Books and School
129. Not to be sectarian or partisan.
130-133. Adoption, purchase, issuing and
safe-keeping of; separate accounts;
money appropriated not to be used
for other purposes; apportionment.
Chapter 4A. County Superintendent
of Schools.
134. Appointment; term; salary; removal;
135-144. General duties; condemnation, re-
pair and construction of buildings.
Examinations for teachers' certifi-
cates; nomination of principals and
assistant teachers; institutes; grad-
ing and standardizing of schools;
courses of study; books and supplies.
145.. Assistants; removal; supervisors; at-
tendance officers; clerk.
146-151. Office; expenses; census; school
budget; correspondence; reports;
bond; duties as treasurer; interest
on deposits.
Chapter 12. State Normal Schools.
152-153. Board of trustees; duties.
154. Principal; duties.
155-156. Courses of study; preparatory
157. Free tuition, conditions of; other
158. Payment of appropriation; report of
receipts and disbursements; charges.
159. How bequests and devises to, are
Chapter 13. Teachers' Institutes.
160. To be held each year; summer school
in lieu thereof; teachers reimbursed
for expenses.
161. Time of meeting; how fixed.
162. By whom to be attended.
163. Maryland teachers' reading circle.
Chapter 14. Teachers' Associations.
164. Formation of, recommended.
165. Duties of county examiner in pro-
moting them.
166. May occupy school houses.
Chapter 15. Public Libraries.
167. How sustained; books, how selected.
168. Maryland Public Library Advisory
169. Officers; expenses; bond.
170. Commission to give advice; reports.
171. Traveling libraries. Distribution of
172. Appropriation.
173. One hundred dollars may be spent in
books for each county, etc.
174. County commissioners may establish
free libraries and reading rooms.
175. Tax in counties for support thereof.
176. Library for election district.
177. Tax in municipalities for support of
178. Directors — terms and removal.
179. Vacancies.
180. Officers; bond. Duties and powers of
181. Money collected for libraries and
reading rooms.
182. Libraries and reading rooms free;
control thereof by directors.
183. Stealing or mutilating library prop-
erty; penalty.
184. Reports of library boards; audit.
185. Bequests, devises, and gifts.
186. Libraries to receive books published
by state; copy of report.
187. Exemption from taxation.
Chapter 16. City of Baltimore.
188. Power of mayor and city council of
189. Power of board of school commission-
ers of Baltimore city.
190. Mayor and city council of Baltimore
to have power to pass ordinances re-
lating to.