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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1924
Volume 375, Page 1877   View pdf image (33K)
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1. Legal rate of interest.
2. When plea of usury not available.
3. What is usury?
4. Penalty.

5. What plea of usury shall state.
6. When usury is not a cause of action;

An. Code, sec. 1. 1904, sec. 1. 1888, sec. 1. 1826, ch. 99. 1832, ch. 152.

1. Interest may be charged or deducted at the rate of six per centum
per annum and the same may be calculated according to the standard laid
down in Rowlett's tables.

Statutes against usury cannot be evaded by any shift or device. No matter what
form the transaction takes, if usury lurks therein, courts will condemn it. A renewal
of an usurious transaction between the same parties, partakes of same infirmity;
contra, if contract is a new one. Montague v. Sewell, 57 Md. 414; Andrews v. Poe,
30 Md. 487; Brown v. Waters, 2 Md. Ch. 208; Tyson v. Rickard, 3 H. & J. 113;
Thomas v. Catheral, 5 G. & J. 23; Stockett v. Ellicott, 3 G. & J. 123.

Although borrower is entitled to recover back the usurious surplus, such right of
action is not created by Code. Code fixes rate of interest only. Williar v. Baltimore,
etc., Loan Assn., 45 Md. 559.

It is not usurious to receive interest in advance upon notes discounted. Duncan v.
Maryland Savings Institution, 10 G. & J. 311.

Usury depends upon intention, and if unintentionally Roulett's tables are de-
parted from, usury could not be deduced. Duvall v. Farmers' Bank, 7 G. & J. 60;
Duncan v. Maryland Savings Institution, 10 G. & J. 311; Tyson v. Rickard, 3 H. &
J. 109.

Cited but not construed in Hammond v. Hammond, 2 Bl. 308, note (M).

As to petty loans and charges thereon, see art. 58A.

An. Code, see. 2. 1904, sec. 2. 1888, sec. 2. 1824, ch. 200.

2. No plea of usury shall be available against any legal or equitable
assignee or holder of any bond, bill obligatory, bill of exchange, promissory
note or other negotiable instrument, where such assignee or endorsee or
holder shall have received the same for a bona fide and legal consideration,
without notice of any usury in the creation or subsequent assignment

This section applied. Suspicious circumstances held insufficient to bring notice of
the usury home to the assignee. Gantt v. Grindall, 49 Md. 313.

This section held not to apply because defendant was not the holder of any such
instrument as is mentioned in this section. Montague v. Sewell, 57 Md. 416.

An. Code, sec. 3. 1904, sec. 3. 1888, sec. 3. 1704, ch. 69, sec. 1.

3. If any person shall exact, directly or indirectly, for loan of any
money, goods or chattels to be paid in money above the value of six dollars

As to the " Blue Sky " law, see art. 32A, sec. 11, et seq.
See art. 3, sec. 57, of the Md. Constitution.


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1924
Volume 375, Page 1877   View pdf image (33K)
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