1876 ARTICLE 48A.
Article requiring medical examinations, valuations of benefit certificates,
and that the certificates shall specify the amount of benefits, shall not
apply to such associations.
1922, ch. 492, sec. 178.
181. Exemptions from Taxation. Every fraternal beneficiary associa-
tion organized or licensed under this Article is hereby declared to be a
charitable and benevolent institution, and all of its funds shall be exempt
from all and every State, county, district, municipal and school tax, other
than taxes on real estate and office equipment.
As to exemptions from taxation in general, see art. 81, sec. 4.
1922, ch. 492, sec. 179.
182. Penalties. Any person, officer, member or examining physician
of any association authorized to do business under this Article who shall
knowingly or willfully make any false or fraudulent statement or repre-
sentation in or with reference to any application for membership, or for
the purpose of obtaining money from or benefit in any association trans-
acting business under this Article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than one
hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or imprisonment in
the county jail for not less than thirty days nor more than one year, or
both, in the discretion of the court, and any person who shall wilfully make
a false statement of any material fact or thing in a sworn statement as
to the death or disability of a certificate holder in any such association for
the purpose of procuring payment of a benefit named in the certificate of
such holder, and any person who shall wilfully make a false statement
in any verified report or declaration made under oath required or authorized
by this Article, shall be guilty of perjury, and shall be proceeded against
and punished as provided by the statutes of this State in relation to the
crime of perjury. Any person who shall solicit membership for, or in any
manner assist in procuring membership in any fraternal beneficiary asso-
ciation not licensed to do business in this State, or who shall solicit member-
ship for, or in any manner assist in procuring membership in any such
association not authorized as herein provided to do business as herein defined
in this State, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof
shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than two hundred
dollars. Any association, or any officer, agent, or employee thereof neglect-
ing or refusing to comply with or violating any of the provisions of this
Article, the penalty for which neglect, refusal or violation is not specified
in this section, shall be fined not exceeding two hundred dollars upon con-
viction thereof.