proposed incorporators, the name of the proposed incorporation and
the location of same as set forth in such organization certificate.
See notes to this section in volume 1 of the Annotated Code.
1910, ch. 219, sec. 45 (p. 20). 1918, ch. 33.
46. Upon the filing of any such certificate of authorization of a
trust company, the persons named therein and their successors shall
thereupon and thereby become a corporation and shall possess the fol-
lowing powers:
First. To act as the fiscal or transfer agent of any State, munici-
pality, body politic or corporation; and in such capacity to receive
and disburse money, to transfer, register and countersign certificates
of stock, bonds or other evidences of indebtedness, and to act as agent
of any corporation, foreign or domestic, for any lawful purpose.
Second. To receive deposits of trust moneys, securities and other
personal property from any person or corporation, and to loan money
on real or personal securities and to receive money on deposit.
Third. To lease, hold, purchase and convey any and all real prop-
erty necessary in the transaction of its business, or which the purposes
of the corporation may require, or which it shall acquire in satisfaction
or partial satisfaction of debts due the corporation under sales, judg-
ments or mortgages, or in settlement or partial settlement of debts
due the corporation by any of its debtors.
Fourth. To act as trustee under any mortgage or bond issued by
any municipality, body politic or corporation, and accept and execute
all other municipal or corporate trusts not inconsistent with the laws
of this State.
Fifth. To accept trusts from and execute trusts for married women,
in respect to their separate property, and to be their agent in the man-
agement of such property, or to transact any business in relation thereto.
Sixth. To act under the order or appointment of any court of record
as guardian, receiver or trustee of the estate of any minor or other
person or corporation, and as the depositary of any moneys paid into
court, whether for the benefit of any auch minor or other person, cor-
poration or party.
Seventh. To take, accept and execute any and all such legal trusts,
duties and powers in regard to the holding, management and disposi-
tion of any estate, real or personal, and the rents and profits thereof,
as may be granted or confided to it by any court of record, or by any
person, corporation, municipality or other authority; and it shall be
accountable to all parties in interest for the faithful discharge of
every such trust, duty or power which it may so accept.
Eighth. To take, accept and execute any and all such trusts and
powers of whatever nature and description as may be conferred upon
or intrusted or committed to it by any person or persons or any body