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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1918
Volume 374, Page 47   View pdf image (33K)
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Trust Companies.
See notes to this section in volume 1 of the Annotated Code.
1910, ch. 219, sec. 42 (p. 19). 1918, ch. 33, sec. 43.
43. The articles of incorporation shall be executed in triplicate by
the persons joining therein, before any officer authorized to take ac-
knowledgments, and then filed with the Bank Commissioner for exam-
ination. The Bank Commissioner shall thereupon ascertain from the
best sources of information at his command, and by such investigation
as he may deem necessary, whether the character, responsibility and
general fitness of the person or persons, named in such certificate, are
such as to command confidence and warrant belief that the business
of thp proposed corporation will be honestly and efficiently conducted
in accordance with the intent and purpose of this Article, and whether
the public convenience and advantage will be promoted by allowing
such proposed corporation to engage or continue in business. After
the Bank Commissioner shall have satisfied himself by such investiga-
tion whether it is expedient, and desirable to permit such proposed
corporation to engage or continue in business, he shall have power to
require such changes in said certificate as he may deem necessary. He
shall within sixty days after the date of the filing of such certificate
for examination, endorse upon each of the triplicates thereof, over his
official signature, the word "approved" or the word "refused" with
the date of such endorsement. In case of refusal he shall return one
of the triplicates so endorsed to the proposed incorporators. In case
of approval, the triplicates shall be returned to the proposed incorpo-
rators, and shall then be submitted to one of the Judges of the Judicial
Circuit in which the trust company is to be located, in order that he
may determine whether the said articles are framed in accordance
with existing laws. One copy shall then be filed for record in, the
office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in the County in which the
trust company is to be located, or in the office of the Clerk of the Supe-
rior Court of Baltimore City, when to be located in said City, and
one copy shall be filed with the Bank Commissioner, who shall issue
his certificate therefor, and one copy shall be filed with the State Tax
Commission. The corporation so formed shall have no legal existence
until all the copies of the articles of incorporation have been filed for
record as herein directed. The fee for filing such articles of incor-
poration with the Bank Commissioner shall be ten ($10.00) dollars,
and for filing amendments to the articles of incorporation, five ($5.00)
dollars, all such fees to be collected by the Bank Commissioner. Be-
fore filing the organization certificates, a notice of intention to organ-
ize such trust company shall be published at least once a week for four
weeks in a newspaper to be designated by the Bank Commissioner,
published in the city, town or county where such trust company is
proposed to be located. Such notice shall specify the names of the

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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1918
Volume 374, Page 47   View pdf image (33K)
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