legal proceedings said records shall be prima facie evidence of all
matters therein contained. The fees for such registration shall be fifty
cents to be paid by the person whose certificate is registered.
1916, ch. 173, sec. 5.
308. Applicants certified or licensed by the State Board of Chi-
ropody Examiners of other States, Territories or the District of Co-
lumbia, on the payment of a fee of Twenty-five Dollars to the State
Board of Chiropody Examiners, and on filing with the Board of Chi-
ropody Examiners a copy of said license, certified by the affidavit of
one of the members of said board, which affidavit must show to the
satisfaction of the Board of Chiropody Examiners that the standard
of requirements adopted by the said Board of Examiners is substan-
tially the same as is provided by this sub-title, may in the discretion of
the Board, without further examination receive a certificate conferring
on the holder thereof all the rights, and privileges conferred by this sub-
title. Provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall be
applicable and extended only to those non-residents whose States by law
extend to residents of Maryland the privilege conferred upon non-resi-
dents under this section.
1916, ch. 173, sec. 6.
309. Every person who was engaged in the practice of chiropody
in this State previous to January 1st, 1916, shall file with the Board
of Chiropody Examiners, on or before the Eirst Day of August, 1916,
a written application for a certificate to practice chiropody, together
with proof satisfactory to the Board that the applicant is not less than
twenty-one years of age, and was actively engaged in the practice of
chiropody in this State on April 4, 1916, and upon the payment by the
applicant of a fee of Ten Dollars, the said Board of Chiropody Exam-
iners shall issue to such applicant a certificate authorizing him to prac-
tice chiropody in this State which certificate shall confer upon the said
applicant all the rights and privileges conferred by certificates issued
after examinations. The said certificate shall be registered by the per-
son receiving the same in the same manner as certificates are required
to be registered with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county in
which the applicant resides, or, if the applicant resides in the City of
Baltimore, in the office of the Circuit Court of Baltimore City, as pro-
vided by Section 307.
1916, ch. 173, sec. 7.
310. It shall be the duty of the Police Commissioners of Baltimore
City, and of the Sheriff of each County in the State, to see that all
practicing chiropodists in the State shall be legally registered according
to the provisions of this sub-title, and to report to the State's Attorney
of the City or County all cases of the violation of this sub-title, where-
upon the State's Attorney shall promptly prosecute those violating any
of the provisions of this sub-title.