of Medical Examiners of Maryland shall designate which of said mem-
bers first appointed shall serve for said respective terms. Upon the
expiration of the term of each of said members first appointed the term
of his successor shall be for four years, the outgoing members to be
eligible for re-election. The term of office of each member shall com-
mence on the fifteenth day of June next ensuing his appointment. In
case of a vacancy occurring in said board of Chiropody Examiners,
said board shall fill the same until the next annual meeting of the
Board of Medical Examiners of Maryland, when said latter Board
shall elect an examiner to serve for the remainder of such unexpired
1916, ch. 173, see. 3.
306. The board of chiropody examiners, for the purpose of exam-
ining applicants under this sub-title for a license to practice chiropody
in this State, shall hold two meetings in each year, at such times and
places as the board may determine. Such notice of the times and places
of such examinations shall be given as to the board may seem proper.
The board may make and adopt such rules and regulations in connec-
tion with the conduct of such examinations as may," in the judgment
of the said board, be necessary to carry out the purposes of this sub-
title. It shall provide such books, blanks and forms as may be neces-
sary in order to conduct said examinations, and shall keep and pre-
serve a complete record of all of its transactions. No license to prac-
tice chiropody shall be granted by the board unless at least three
members of the board vote in favor of granting such license. All
examinations shall be conducted by the board in writing, but the board,
in its discretion, may use supplementary oral examinations. The exami-
nations shall be in the following subjects: Anatomy and physiology of
the foot, therapeutics, and minor surgery and asepsis. After such
examination the board shall without unnecessary delay act upon same,
and shall issue a certificate to the successful candidates. An official
report of such action, signed by each member of the board, and the
result of the examination, shall be preserved by the said board. The
board of chiropody examiners shall report annually to the Board of
Medical Examiners of Maryland, in detail, all of their transactions.
1916, ch. 173, sec. 4.
307. Every person receiving a certificate from said board shall file
the same at once with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county in
which he or she may now reside or with the Clerk of the Circuit Court
of Baltimore City. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to register the
name of said person and the names of the examiners signing said certifi-
cate in a book kept for such purpose as a part of the records of his
office and the number of the book and the page therein containing said
recorded copy shall be made by the said Clerk upon the face of said
certificate, which shall be his license to practice chiropody. In all