Bank Commissioner.
25. Examination by commissioner be-
1. Appointment ; term ; bond ; office ;
fore business started ; issue of
salary ; removal.
2. Deputy; clerks; salaries; bond.
5. Repealed.
Savings Institutions.
6. Deputies, when to perform duties
30. Reports to Bank Commissioner.
of commissioner.
37. Publication of reports.
7. Commissioner, deputy or examiner
to investigate state institutions.
9. Impairment of capital; failure to
Trust Companies.
50. Directors; qualification and elec-
make good deficiency ; resump-
tion of ; quorum ; vacancies ;
oath of office.
tion of business.
1.0. Commissioner may take possession
if business being improperly
conducted; notice thereof; court
51. Trust companies to possess powers
and be subject to the provisions
of Banking Act; proviso as to
proceedings ; compensation of
existing companies.
commissioner ; bond ; resumption
of business
General Regulations.
11A. Report of institutions violating
the law ; court proceedings
58. False statement or entry ; false pa-
pers; accepting deposits when
known to be insolvent.-
14. Information gained in examina-
tions to be kept secret save as
61. How banking institutions may be
voluntarily placed in the hands
provided ; penalties.
16. Examinations to be paid for by in-
stitution ; rate ; special examina-
tions. Funds of office, how used.
of commissioner.
62A. Bills payable; amount of, and pe-
riod to be carried, regulated.
65. Loans to officers, directors, em-
17. Appropriation.
ployees, etc.
75. Persons, etc., not subject to exami-
nation and reports, not to repre-
sent themselves as transacting
22. Articles of incorporation, how exe-
banking business ; proviso.
cuted, approved, certified and
78. Attorney of Bank Commissioner.
filed ; when corporation legally
79. Repeal of inconsistent laws and of
exists; fees.
certain charters.
Bank Commissioner.
1910, ch. 219, sec. 1 (p. 7). 1914, ch. 805, sec. 1.
1. There shall be a Bank Commissioner for the State appointed by
the Board of Public Works, who shall not be an officer or director in
any Bank, State or National, Savings Institution or Trust Company.
As to charters for banking purposes, see article 3, section 39, of the Md. con-
As to the taxation of banks, see article 81, section 162A; see also, section 153,
et seq.