1908, ch. 240, sec. 71.
96. Tf the annual certificate and tax shall not be filed and paid as
required by the preceding sections, then on the first day of November
following, the comptroller shall place the tax bill in the hands of the
attorney general for collection by suit; and the officers and agents shall
bo liable to the penalty imposed by section 94 of this article.
1908, ch. 240, sec. 72.
97. Every foreign corporation doing business in this State, shall
pay such taxes, fees and charges as are now or may hereafter be pre-
scribed by law; every foreign corporation, whatever the nature of its
business, shall be subject to taxation upon its real and personal property
situated in this State, as if the same belonged to a natural person; and
nothing herein shall exempt from taxation the shares of a foreign cor-
poration owned by residents of this State.
1908, ch. 240, sec. 73.
98. Whenever it shall happen in the case of any corporation having
a definite number of members and no capital stock, that by death or
resignation the membership shall be reduced below a majority of the
prescribed number, the corporation shall not on that account be
dissolved; but it shall be lawful for the surviving or continuing mem-
bers so long as the number thereof shall be two or more, to fill vacancies
and continue the corporate succession.
See sec. 89.
1904, art. 23, sec. 1. 1888, art. 23, sec. 1. 1868, ch. 471, sec. 1.
1908, ch. 240, sec. 74.
99. A corporation may acknowledge any instrument required by
law to be acknowledged, by its attorney appointed under its seal, and
such appointment may be embodied in the deed, or such instrument may
be acknowledged by the president or any vice-president of such corpora-
tion without such appointment.
A mortgage by a corporation acknowledged by the attorney named therein
as his act and deed, held valid. Prostburg Bldg. Assn. v. Brace, 51 Md. 510.
Ibid. sec. 50. 1888, art. 23, sec. 42. 1868, ch. 471, sec. 37. 1876, ch. 349.
1890, ch. 339. 1892, ch. 39. 1894, ch. 557. 1908, ch. 240, sec. 75.
100. Every corporation formed under this article shall have, until
forfeiture, the right of perpetual succession; and all provisions in the
charter or certificate of any existing corporation or imposed upon it by
any act in force at the time of its creation or formation, limiting its
duration, are hereby annulled and repealed.
Ibid. sec. 49. 1888, art. 23. sec. 41. 1886, ch. 49. 1908, ch. 240, sec. 76.
101. When the value of the property owned by any charitable or
benevolent society or corporation, incorporated under any general or
special law of this State, or the income of such charitable or benevolent
society from such property was, when the said property was acquired