2168 TREASURER. [ART. 95
ascertaining that the same have been endorsed or marked, cancelled or
stamped "purchased for the sinking fund," as required by section 26,
and that the accruing coupons and interest thereon have been collected
and credited to said sinking fund and shall make a joint report of
their proceedings therein to both houses of the legislature within two
weeks after they shall have finished their said duties as prescribed by
this section.
1904, art. 95, sec. 24. 1888, art. 95, sec. 24. 1860, art. 94, sec. 26.
1858, ch. 109, sec. 3.
24. The agents employed to pay the interest upon the public debt
are hereby required semi-annually to transmit to the treasurer of the
State all coupons they may have paid up to the time of making such
Ibid. sec. 25. 1888, art. 95, sec. 25. 1872, ch. 276, sec. 4.
25. Whenever in the judgment of the comptroller there shall be a
surplus in the treasury over and above the amount necessary to meet
the current expenses of the State, as provided by law, he shall cause
the same to be invested in the bonds or certificates of debt of this State
purchased at par or less; and in all purchases of bonds or certificates
hereby directed to be made, the treasurer shall give the preference to
the overdue debt of the State and the comptroller and treasurer may
at any time require the said overdue debt or some class thereof which
can be regulated and accurately described to be presented at the place
where made payable for payment by giving not less than thirty days'
notice to the holders of such overdue debt that on a day named in
said notice interest on said overdue debt or class thereof will cease; and
if said bonds or certificates so overdue and particularly described in
said published notice be not presented for payment by said day, the
payment of interest on the same shall cease and no further payment
of interest on the same shall be made.
Ibid. sec. 26. 1888, art. 95, sec. 26. 1872, ch. 276. sec. 5. 1890, ch. 571.
26. All money remaining in the treasury of the State at the close of
each fiscal year in excess of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars and
of the sums required to meet the interest due or accruing upon the pub-
lie debt of the State and the expenses of the State government as
defined by law shall be held by the treasurer of the State to the credit of
the general sinking fund of the State and shall be invested by the
treasurer in the overdue bonds and stocks of the State and when such
overdue bonds and stocks of the State are not procurable, then in the
obligations of the State not yet matured at the best possible rates for
the State, or in the securities issued by the United States, or in such
other productive stocks or bonds as the treasurer, the governor and
comptroller concurring may consider safe and reliable at the best possi-
ble rates for the State, and the sum of one hundred thousand dollars
which is directed by section 8 of this article to be set apart in each