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The Annotated Code of the Public Civil Laws of Maryland, 1911
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1904, art. 95, sec. 20. 1888, art. 95, sec. 20. 1860, art. 94, sec. 22.
1852, ch. 123, sec. 4.

20. Each security on said bond shall make oath that he is bona fide
worth, over and above his debts, not less than some specific sum to be
stated in said oath, which said oath shall be endorsed on said bond
and recorded therewith; and the governor shall not approve any bond
of the said agent unless the sum or sums so sworn to shall in the
aggregate at least equal the amount of the penalty thereof and he shall
be satisfied of the availability of each security.

Ibid. sec. 21. 1888, art. 95, sec. 21. 1860. art. 94, sec. 23.
1852, ch. 123, sec. 5.

21. The bond of the said agent when duly executed and approved
as hereinbefore provided shall be recorded in the office of the clerk of
the court of appeals; and certified copies thereof under the seal of the
said court may be used in evidence in any court of law or equity in
this State.

Ibid. sec. 22. 1888, art. 95, sec. 22 1860, art. 94, sec. 24. 1858, ch. 109,
sec. 1. 1872, ch. 103. 1872, ch. 435.

22. The treasurer of the State shall record all State coupons that
have been or may hereafter be paid and returned to the treasury by the
agents employed to pay the interest on the public debt and shall,
together with the comptroller at the close of every mouth, examine and
burn all such coupons that have been recorded and shall make a report
of their proceedings showing the amount of the value of such coupons
to the legislature at each session thereof.

Ibid. sec. 23. 1888, art. 95, sec. 23. 1860. art. 94, sec. 25.
18G2, ch. 112. 1890, ch. 571.

23. The comptroller and treasurer shall within the first two weeks
of January, April, July and October in every year, in the presence of
the governor, count and cancel the bonds and certificates for stocks of
the State and count and examine the other securities purchased or
obtained by the treasurer for the use of the sinking fund; and a state-
ment of the bonds and certificates so counted and those so counted and
cancelled signed by the comptroller and treasurer and countersigned
by the governor shall be filed in the office of the comptroller within one
week after each such count and cancellation; and the committee on
finance of the senate and the committee on ways and means of the
house of delegates shall jointly during each session of the legislature
and within the first month of such session examine and count all such
bonds and certificates of stock so purchased or obtained up to the close
of the fiscal year next preceding such session and cancelled or stamped
"purchased for the sinking fund,' as required by the provisions of this
article, and shall burn all such bonds and certificates of stock as belong
to the overdue debt of the State and shall examine carefully all bonds
or certificates of stock maturing at some future day for the purpose of


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The Annotated Code of the Public Civil Laws of Maryland, 1911
Volume 372, Page 2167   View pdf image (33K)
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