sons to be councilmen to succeed those whose term of office is
about to expire, two of whom shall be designated by lot at the
first regular meeting of the Council, after their election and
qualification to hold said office for two years, or until their
successors are appointed or elected and qualified; and the two
persons now serving as Councilmen, whose term of office does
not expire until May, 1913, shall continue in office with the
same duties and power as if elected under the provisions of
this act. It-shall be the duty of the Mayor on or before the
first Monday in March, in the year 1913, and each year there-
after, to appoint three residents and qualified voters of the
City of Salisbury as Registrars of voters in said city, who
before entering upon their duties shall make oath in due form
of law before some Justice of the Peace of Wicomico County
that they will fairly, faithfully and honestly perform their
duties as such Registrars of voters. They shall qualify within
ten days after their appointment and on failure to qualify or
serve, or incapable to serve, the Mayor shall appoint some other
person or persons duly qualified as substitute, or substitutes.
and he or they shall hold for the unexpired term. It shall be
the duty of the Mayor and Council to furnish, the Registrars
with a suitable book in which qualified voters shall be regis-
tered, and appoint and supply a place where said Registrars
may sit in the discharge of their duties. There shall be a gen-
eral registration of the qualified voters of Salisbury on the
first Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in April, 1913, and on
the first Monday in April in each succeeding year for the pur-
pose of registering new voters and striking off the names of dis-
qualified voters. And it shall be the duty of said Registrars to
strike off the names of all deceased voters and voters who shall
have removed from the corporate limits of the City of Salis-
bury and remained absent continuously for a period of six
months, and taken up their residence elsewhere. If necessary
for the performance of their duties and for the convenience of
the citizens of the city, the Mayor may appoint another day
or days, for the Registrars to sit. At least two weeks before
the date of sitting the Registrars shall, give two weeks' notice
of the time and place of Registration and Revision in two or
more papers published in Salisbury of the sitting of the Reg-
istrars. When the Registrars shall complete their duties, the
Register book shall be returned to the clerk of the Mayor and
Council and no one shall vote in any city election unless his
name be on the Registration book as a qualified voter. If any-
one shall feel aggrieved by the action of the Registrars in
refusing to register or strike off the name of any voter, or for