may buy any property it may deem necessary so to do, and
may sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any property belonging
to said corporation; provided that' it shall not buy or dispose
of any property to the value of five thousand dollars, or over
without first submitting the question of buying or selling and
disposing of said property to the voters of Sharptown at a gen-
eral or special election of which at least twenty days' notice
shall be given in the manner provided for holding general elec-
tions under this act.
162. The government .of said town shall be vested in five
commissioners to be selected as hereinafter provided, who shall
be taxpayers and qualified voters of the town for twelve months,
next preceding their election, and shall hold office for term
of two years, or until their successors are appointed or elected
and qualified.
163. The male citizens of Sharptown, who have resided
within the corporate limits of said town for twejve months next
preceding the election, and who were qualified voters at the last
preceding State or Congressional election, shall, on the first
Saturday in December, in the year 1912, and on .the same day
every two years thereafter, elect by ballot five persons to be
commissioners; and said commissioners before they enter upon
the duties of their office shall make oath before a justice of
the peace or notary public of Wicomico county, State of Mary-
land, that they will diligently and faithfully without partiality,
favor or prejudice, well and truly perform the duties of com-
missioners of said town; and said commissioners so elected shall
meet on the second and fourth Monday of each month, and as
much oftener as they desire; and the present commissioners
of the Town of Sharptown shall hold office until the next regu-
lar election herein provided and the election and qualification
of their successors. The Commissioners of Sharptown shall
organize the first regular meeting after their election and
qualification, and shall elect one of their number as president
of the commissioners, whose duty it shall be to preside at all
meetings of the commissioners, to preserve order, and see thai
the ordinances and resolutions of the said Commissioners of
Sharptown are enforced.
164. If any vacancy shall occur in the Board of Commis-
sioners of Sharptown by death, removal, resignation, failure
to qualify or otherwise, the remaining commissioners at their
next regular meeting, shall elect a qualified person to be com-
missioner to fill such vacancy or vacancies, to serve until the
next election and until his or their successor or successors are